Access to Sociological Research Online is free for individuals. However, we charge institutions an annual subscription. This is to fund the costs of producing the Journal.
How to subscribe
Sociological Research Online is free for individuals accessing the journal from a commercial IP address. To subscribe please fill in an online application form. This gives us your Internet Provider details, which we need to grant you access. Once subscribed, you will receive email alerts about our new issues and be able to view both new and back issues.
Please note: If you are trying to access from a computer at an institution, such as a university, you will need that institution to subscribe in order to get access.
The 2014 subscription rate is £200 (plus VAT where applicable) for a year's subscription to Sociological Research Online. We are very grateful for the support we get from institutional subscriptions. We have unfortunately had to increased our subscription rate recently, which we have not done for several years. The increase is necessary to continue to cover the costs of producing the Journal.
What you get
- all new issues published during your subscription period. We usually publish four issues a year including special issues
- access to all back issues of the journal
- access to thematic collections of articles and the rapid response area providing sociological comment on key current issues
You can subscribe through the subscription agents Ebsco or Swets. An annual subscription lasts one year from the date it is set up. Sociological Research Online is purely an online journal so you will not receive any paper copies. Readers will be able to access the Journal from your institution's IP addresses without the need for a password.
Please see the terms and conditions here