Books received between 01/12/2003 and 28/02/2004

Devine, Fiona and Mary C. Walters
Social Inequalities in Comparative Perspective
Blackwell Publishers: Oxford, (2004), 0631226850 (pb), x + 318 pp.

Dickens, Peter
Society and Nature
Polity Press: Cambridge, (2004), 074562796X (pb), 0745627951 (hb), £17.99 (pb), £55.00 (hb), xii + 286 pp.

Dominelli, Lena
Social Work: Theory and Practice for a Changing Profession
Polity Press: Cambridge, (2004), 0745623832 (pb), xi + 307 pp.

Flap, Henk and Beate Volker
Creation and Returns of Social Capital: A New Research Program
Routledge: London, (2004), 0415300592 (pb), x + 282 pp.

Grbich, Carol
New Approaches in Social Research
Sage Publications: London, (2004), 0761949321 (pb), 152 pp.

Heinz, Walter R. and Victor W. Marshall
Social Dynamics of the Life Course
Aldine de Gruyter: New York, (2004), 020230695X (pb), xix + 306 pp.

Janesick, Valerie J.
"Stretching" Exercises for Qualitative Researchers
Sage Publications: London, (2004), 0761928154 (pb), xii + 271 pp.

Lee, Ellie
Abortion, Motherhood and Mental Health
Aldine de Gruyter: New York, (2004), 020230681X (pb), vii + 292 pp.

Oliver, Paul
Writing your Thesis
Sage Publications: London, (2004), 0761942998 (pb), ix + 193 pp.

Puchta, Claudia and Jonathan Potter
Focus Group Practice
Sage Publications: London, (2004), 0761966919 (pb), ix + 174 pp.

Sefre, Sandra
Controlling Illegal Drugs: A Comparative Study
Aldine de Gruyter: New York, (2004), 0202307174 (pb), v + 237 pp.

Yates, Simeon J.
Doing Social Science Research
Open University Press: Buckingham, (2004), 0761967982 (pb), 293 pp.

12 Books received between 01/12/2003 and 28/02/2004