Copyright Sociological Research Online, 2000

Books Received - Volume 5, Issue 4

Inclusion in this list does not pre-empt a review appearing in
Sociological Research Online. We can not accept requests from individuals to
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Reviewers' Database.
- Abbott, Andrew
- Chaos of Discipline
University of Chicago Press: Chicago, (2001), 0226001016 (pb), xvi + 259
- Allahyari, Rebecca Anne
- Visions of Charity: Volunteer Workers and Moral Community
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, (2001), 0520221451 (pb),
0520221443 (hb), £11.50; $17.95 (pb), £28.50; $45.00 (hb), xiv + 285 pp.
- Bloor, Michael and Jane Frankland, Michelle Thomas, Kate
- Focus Groups in Social Research
Sage Publications: London, (2000), 076195743X (pb), £16.99 (pb), vii + 110
- Burawoy, Michael, Joseph A. Blum, Sheba George, Zsuzsa
Gille, Teresa Gowan, Lynne Haney, Maren Klawiter, Steven H.Lopez, Sean O Riain
and Millie Thayer
- Global Ethnography: Forces, Connections, and Imaginations in a
Postmodern World
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, (2001), 0520222164 (pb),
0520222156 (hb), £11.50; $17.95 (pb), £30.00; $48.00 (hb), xv + 392 pp.
- Cottle, Simon
- Ethnic Minorities and the Media
Open University Press: Buckingham, (1999), 0335202705 (pb), 0335202713 (hb),
£14.99 (pb), £50.00 (hb), xii + 251 pp.
- Delanty, Gerard (Series Editor: Tim May)
- Citizenship in a Global Age: Society, Culture, Politics
Open University Press: Buckingham, (2001), 0335204899 (pb), 0335204902 (hb),
£15.99 (pb), £50.00 (hb), 164 pp.
- Dicks, Bella
- Heritage, Place and Community
University of Wales Press: Cardiff, (2001), 0708316689 (pb), £14.99 (pb), viii +
303 pp.
- Entwisle, Barbara; Gail E. Henderson (Editors)
- Re-Drawing Boundaries: Work, Household, and Gender in China
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, (2000), 0520220919 (pb),
0520220900 (hb), $19.95; £12.50 (pb), $50.00; £30.00 (hb), xii + 343 pp.
- Freedman, Jane and Carrie Tarr (Editors)
- Women, Immigration and Identities in France
Berghahn Books: Oxford, (2000), 1859734367 (pb), 1859734316 (hb), £14.99 (pb),
£42.99 (hb), xii + 197 pp.
- Hancock, Philip, Bill Hughes, Elizabeth Jagger, Kevin
Patterson, Rachel Russell, Emmanuelle Tulle-Winton, Melissa Tyler
- Body, Culture and Society: An Introduction
Open University Press: Buckingham, (2000), 0335204139 (pb), £14.99 (pb), x +
146 pp.
- Jacobs, Bruce A
- Robbing Drug Dealers: Violence Beyond the Law
Aldine de Gruyter: New York, (2001), 0202306488 (pb), ix + 166 pp.
- Lentin, Ronit
- Israel and the Daughters of the Shoah: Reoccupying the Territories of
Berghahn Books: Oxford, (2000), 1571817751 (pb), 1571817743 (hb), £13.95 (pb),
£40.00 (hb), xiv + 256 pp.
- Lopez, Jose and John Scott
- Social Structure
Open University Press: Buckingham, (2001), 0335204953 (pb), 0335204961 (hb),
£11.99 (pb), £42.50 (hb), vi + 133 pp.
- Lyon, David
- Surveillance Society; Monitoring Everday Life
Open University Press: Buckingham, (2001), 0335205461 (pb), 033520547X (hb),
315.99 (pb), £50.00 (hb), xii + 189 pp.
- Parker, John
- Structuration
Open University Press: Buckingham, (2001), 0335203949 (pb), 0335203957 (hb),
£11.99 (pb), £42.50 (hb), xi + 412 pp.
- Pred, Allan Richard
- Even in Sweden: Racisms, Racialized Spaces, and the Popular
Geographical Imagination
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, (2000), 0520224493 (pb),
0520223322 (hb), £11.95; $18.95 (pb), $48.00; £30.00 (hb), 321 pp.
- Savage, Mike
- Class Analysis and Social Transformation
Open University Press: Buckingham, (2001), 0335193277 (pb), 0335193285 (hb),
£15.99 (pb), £50.00 (hb), xvi + 185 pp.
- Smith, Mark J.
- Culture: Reinventing the Social Sciences
Open University Press: Buckingham, (2001), 0335203183 (pb), 0335203191 (hb),
£11.99 (pb), £42.50 (hb), 128 pp.
- Tajbakhsh, Kian
- The Promise of the City: Space, Identity, and Politics in Contemporary
Social Thought
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, (2001), 0520222784 (pb),
0520222776 (hb), £11.50; $17.95 (pb), £28.50; $45.00 (hb), xv + 229 pp.
- Wolf, Eric. R
- Pathways of Power: Building an Anthropology of the Modern
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, (2001), 0520223349 (pb),
0520223330 (hb), £15.95; $24.95 (pb), £38.00; $60.00 (hb), xx + 463 pp.