Copyright Sociological Research Online, 2000

Books Received - Volume 5, Issue 2

Inclusion in this list does not pre-empt a review appearing in
Sociological Research Online. We can not accept requests from individuals to
review particular titles, but anyone wishing to be considered as a reviewer for
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Reviewers' Database.
- Bechhofer, Frank and Lindsay Paterson
- Principles of Research Design in the Social Sciences
Routledge: London, (2000), 0415214432 (pb), £14.99 (pb), ix + 172 pp.
- Blumer, Herbert and Stanford M Lyman & Arthur J Vidich (Editors)
- Selected Works of Herbert Blumer: A Public Philosophy for Mass Society
University of Illinois Press: Champaign, IL, (2000), 025206884X (pb), £19.95 (pb), xviii +
378 pp.
- Bonacich, Edna and Richard P. Appelbaum
- Behind the Label: Exploitation in the Los Angeles Apparel Industry
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, (2000), 0520225066 (pb), 0520217691 (hb),
£12.50; $19.95 (pb), £31.50; $50.00 (hb), xvii + 395 pp.
- Caccamo, Rita
- Back to Middletown: Three Generations of Sociological Reflections
Stanford University Press: Stanford, CA, (2000), 0804734933 (hb), £27.50; $45.00 (hb), 226
- Cashmore, Ellis
- Making Sense of Sports 3rd Edition
Routledge: London, (2000), 0415213835 (pb), £16.99 (pb), x + 420 pp.
- Chamberlayne, Prue, Joanna Bornat and Tom Wengraf (Editors)
- The Turn to Biographical Methods in Social Science: Comparative Issues and
Routledge: London, (2000), 0415228387 (pb), £17.99 (pb), xi + 346 pp.
- Coley, Soraya M and Cynthia A Scheinberg
- Proposal Writing - Second edition
Sage Publications: London, (2000), 0761919600 (pb), 0761919597 (hb), £13.99 (pb), £29.00
(hb), x + 101 pp.
- Dickens, Peter
- Social Darwinism: Linking Evolutionary Thought to Social Theory
Open University Press: Buckingham, (2000), 0335202187 (pb), 0335202195 (hb), £11.99 (pb),
£42.50 (hb), viii + 130 pp.
- Eiesland, Nancy L
- Particular Place: Urban Restructuring and Religious Ecology in a Southern
Rutgers University Press: New Brunswick, (2000), 0813527384 (pb), £16.95 (pb), xiv + 254
- Grace, Victoria
- Baudrillard's Challenge: A Feminist Reading
Routledge: London, (2000), 0415180767 (pb), £16.99 (pb), ix + 212 pp.
- Hervieu-Leger, Daniele
- Religion as a Chain of Memory
Rutgers University Press: New Brunswick, (2000), 0813528283 (pb), £14.28 (pb), vii + 204
- Hetherington, Kevin
- New Age Travellers: Vanloads of Uproarious Humanity
Cassell: London, (2000), 0304339776 (pb), 0304339784 (hb), £15.99 (pb), x + 191 pp.
- Hill, Michael; Bob Hudson; Stephen Mitchell; Ian Shaw and Jane
- Local Authority Social Services: An Introduction
Blackwell Publishers: Oxford, (2000), 0631209468 (hb), £50.00 (hb), xv + 224 pp.
- Hinchliffe, Steve and Kath Woodward (Editors)
- Natural and the Social: Uncertainty, Risk, Change
Routledge: London, (2000), 0415222907 (pb), £11.99 (pb), viii + 167 pp.
- Lee, Raymond M
- Unobtrusive Methods in Social Research
Open University Press: Buckingham, (2000), 0335200516 (pb), 0335200524 (hb), £15.99 (pb),
£50.00 (hb), 175 pp.
- Mann, Chris and Fiona Stewart
- Internet Communication and Qualitative Research: A Handbook for Researching
Sage Publications: London, (2000), 0761966277 (pb), 258 pp.
- Muggleton, David
- Inside Subculture: The Postmodern Meaning of Style
Berg: Oxford, (2000), 1859733522 (pb), 1859733476 (hb), £14.99 (pb), £42.99 (hb), viii +
198 pp.
- Parker, Richard, Regina Maria Barbosa and Peter Aggleton
- Framing the Sexual Subject: The Politics of Gender, Sexuality and Power
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, (2000), 0520218388 (pb), 0520218388 (hb),
£11.95; $18.95 (pb), £30.00; $50.00 (hb), ix + 271 pp.
- Ragin, Charles C
- Fuzzy-set Social Science
University of Chicago Press: Chicago, (2000), 0226702774 (pb), 0226702766 (hb), £13.00;
$20.00 (pb), £30.50; $48.00 (hb), xviii + 352 pp.
- Rosier, Katherine Brown
- Mothering Inner-city Children: The Early School Years
Rutgers University Press: New Brunswick, (2000), 081352797x (pb), £16.50 (pb), 301
- Spaargaren, Gert, Arthur P.J. Mol and Fredreick H. Buttel
- Environment and Global Modernity
Sage Publications: London, (2000), 0761967672 (pb), 0761967664 (hb), £18.99 (pb), £49.99
(hb), xii + 257 pp.
- Vidich, Arthur J, Joseph Bensman
- Small Town in Mass Society: Class, Power and Religion in a Rural Community - Revised
University of Illinois Press: Champaign, IL, (2000), 0252068904 (pb), $21.95 (pb), xxxviii
+ 521 pp.
- Waite, Linda J (Editor) and Christine Bachrach; Michelle Hindin;
Elizabeth Thomson; Arland Thornton (Coeditors)
- The Ties that Bind: Perspectives on Marriage and Cohabitation
Aldine de Gruyter: New York, (2000), 0202306364 (pb), 0202306356 (hb), $24.95 (pb), $51.95
(hb), ix + 404 pp.
- Wiener, Carolyn L
- The Elusive Quest: Accountability in Hospitals
Aldine de Gruyter: New York, (2000), 0202306313 (pb), 0202306305 (hb), $21.95 (pb), $43.95
(hb), xvi + 256 pp.