Copyright Sociological Research Online, 2000

Books Received - Volume 5, Issue 1

Inclusion in this list does not pre-empt a review appearing in Sociological Research Online. We can not accept requests from individuals to review particular titles, but anyone wishing to be considered as a reviewer for Sociological Research Online may enter their interests into our Reviewers' Database.

Ali, Suki, Kelly Coate and Eangui Wa Goro
Global Feminist Politics: Identities in a Changing World
Routledge: London, (2000), 041521470x (pb), £16.99 (pb), x + 188 pp.

Babbie, Earl; Fred Halley; Jeanne Zaino
Adventures in Social Research: Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows 95/98
Pine Forge Press: Thousand Oaks, CA, (2000), 0761986766 (pb), £27.00 (pb), 480 pp.

Banks, Ingrid
Hair Matters: Beauty, Power, and Black Women's Consciouness
New York University Press: New York, (2000), 0814713378 (pb), 081471336X (hb), US$17.50 (pb), US$55.00 (hb), 210 pp.

Bernard, H Russell
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
Sage Publications: London, (2000), 076191403X (hb), £39.00 (hb), 776 pp.

Billings, Dwight B; Kathleen M. Blee
The Road to Poverty: The Making of Wealth and Hardship in Appalachia
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (2000), 0521655463 (pb), 0521652294 (hb), £18.95/$24.95 (pb), £50.00/$59.95 (hb), 434 pp.

Burns, Robert B.
Introduction to Research Methods
Sage Publications: London, (2000), 0761965939 (pb), £19.99 (pb),

Burton, Dawn
Research Training for Social Scientists: A Handbook for Postgraduate Researchers
Sage Publications: London, (2000), 0761963510 (pb), 0761963502 (hb), £24.99 (pb), £65.00 (hb), 528 pp.

Busch, Lawrence
The Eclipse of Morality: Science, State and Market
Aldine de Gruyter: New York, (2000), 0202306224 (pb), 0202305759 (hb), US$21.95 (pb), US$ 43.95 (hb), x + 220 pp.

Campbell, Colin
The Myth of Social Action
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (1998), 0521646367 (pb), 0521550793 (hb), £14.95 (pb), £32.50 (hb), viii + 200 pp.

Charlesworth, Simon J.
A Phenomenology of Working-Class Experience
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (1999), 0521659159 (pb), 0521650666 (hb), £14.95 (pb), £40.00 (hb), 344 pp

DeNora, Tia
Music in Everyday Life: Soundtrack, Self and Embodiment
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (2000), 052162732x (pb), £12xiv + 182 pp..95 (pb),

Denzin, Norman K; Lincoln, Yvonna S (editors)
Handbook of Qualitative Research
Sage Publications: London, (2000), 0761915125 (hb), £65.00 (hb), 1144 pp.

Diamant, Neil J
Revolutionizing the Family: Politics, Love and Divorce in Urban and Rural China, 1949-1968
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, (2000), 0520217209 (hb), £35.00/$55.00 (hb), 458 pp.

Eisenstadt, S N
Fundamentalism, Sectarianism and Revolution: The Jacobin Dimension of Modernity
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (2000), 0521645867 (pb), 0521641845 (hb), £15.95 (pb), £40.00 (hb), xiv + 280 pp.

Emmison, Michael
Researching the Visual: Images, Objects, Contexts and Interactions in Social and Cultural Inquiry
Sage Publications: London, (2000), 0761958460 (pb), £18.99 (pb), xiv + 242 pp.

Feinman, Ilene Rose
Citizenship Rites: Feminist Soldiers and Feminist Antimilitarists
New York University Press: New York, (2000), 0814726895 (pb), 0814726887 (hb), US$19.50 (pb), US$55.00 (hb), 300 pp.

Fielding, Jane; Gilbert, Nigel
Understanding Social Statistics
Sage Publications: London, (2000), 0803979835 (pb), £16.99 (pb),

Hall, John R, etc.
Apocalypse Observed: Religious Movements, Social Order and Violence in North America, Europe and Japan
Taylor & Francis: Basingstoke, (1999), 0415192773 (pb), £14.99 (pb), 220

Hallam, Elizabeth; Hockey, Jenny; Howarth, Glennys
Beyond the Body: Death and Social Identity
Routledge: London, (1999), 0415182921 (pb), 233

Hollway, Wendy and Tony Jefferson
Doing Qualitative Research Differently: Free Association, Narrative and the Interview Method
Sage Publications: London, (2000), 0761964266 (pb), 0761964258 (hb), £15.99 (pb), £47.50 (hb), 176 pp.

Horne. John; Tomlinson, Alan
Understanding Sport: An Introduction to the Sociological and Cultural Analysis of Sport
Routledge: London, (1999), 0419136401 (pb), £16.99 (pb), 320 pp.

Jacobson, Nora
Cleavage: Technology, Controversy and the Ironies of the Man-made Breast
Rutgers University Press: New Brunswick, (2000), 0813527155 (pb), 0813527147 (hb), £15.95 (pb), x + 304 pp.

Jenkins, Richard (editor)
Questions of Competence: Culture, Classification and Intellectual Disability
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (1999), 0521626625 (pb), 0521623030 (hb), £14.99 (pb), £40.00 (hb), 260 pp.

Johansson, Thomas
Social Psychology and Modernity
Open University Press: Buckingham, (2000), 0335201040 (pb), £15.99 (pb), 180 pp.

Jupp, Victor, Pamela Davies and Peter Francis
Doing Criminological Research
Sage Publications: London, (2000), 0761965092 (pb), 0761965084 (hb), £16.99 (pb), £49.50 (hb), 272 pp.

Kohn, Tamara; McKechnie, Rosemary
Extending the Boundaries of Care: Medical Ethics and Caring Practices
Berg: Oxford, (1999), 1859731414 (pb), 1859731368 (hb), £14.99 (pb), £42.00 (hb), 256 pp.

Kutting, Gabriela
Environment, Society and International Relations: Towards More Effective International Agreements
Routledge: London, (2000), 0415214661 (pb), £16.99 (pb), 173 pp.

Lowe, Gary R.; Reid, Nelson P.
The Professionalization of Poverty
Aldine de Gruyter: New York, (1999), 0202361128 (pb), 180

Marks, Deborah
Disability: Controversial Debates and Pychosocial Perspectives
Routledge: London, (1999), 0415162033 (pb), 0415162025 (hb), £15.99 (pb), £50.00 (hb), 216 pp.

Marmor, Theodore R.
The Politics of Medicare: Second Edition
Aldine de Gruyter: New York, (2000), 0202304256 (pb), 220

Marsh, Ian, etc.
Sociology: Making Sense of Society
Prentice Hall: Hemel Hempstead, (1999), 0582369436 (pb), £19.99 (pb), 840

Moessinger, Pierre
The Paradox of Social Order: Linking Psychology and Sociology
Aldine de Gruyter: New York, (2000), 0202305767 (pb), 152

Petrinovich, Lewis
The Cannibal Within
Aldine de Gruyter: New York, (2000), 0202020487 (pb), 0202020436 (hb), $34.95 (pb), $69.95 (hb), 528 pp.

Priestley, Mark
Disability Politics and Community Care
Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London, (1998), 1853026522 (pb), £15.95 (pb),

Punch, Keith F
Developing Effective Research Proposals
Sage Publications: London, (2000), 0761963561 (pb), 0761963553 (hb), £14.99 (pb), £45.00 (hb), 144 pp.

Reith, Gerda
Gambling in Western Culture: The Age of Chance
Routledge: London, (1999), 0415179971 (hb), £55.00 (hb),

Rose, Nikolas
Inventing Our Selves: Psychology, Power and Personhood
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (1999), 0521646073 (pb), 0521434149 (hb), £11.95 (pb), viii + 222 pp.

Sayer, Andrew
Realism and Social Science
Sage Publications: London, (1999), 0761961240 (pb), 0761961232 (hb), £15.99 (pb), £45.00 (hb), 218 pp.

Scheff, Thomas J.
Being Mentally Ill: A Sociological Theory
Aldine de Gruyter: New York, (1999), 0202305872 (pb), 220

Torpey, John
The Invention of the Passport: Surveillance, Citizenship and the State
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (1999), 0521634938 (pb), 0521632498 (hb), £13.95 (pb), £40.00 (hb), 272 pp.

Torpey, John C
Invention of the Passport: Surveillance, Citizenship and the State
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (2000), 0521634938 (pb), 0521632498 (hb), £13.95 (pb), £37.50 (hb), xii + 212 pp.

Wagner-Pacifici, Robin
Theorizing the Standoff: Contingency in Action
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (2000), 0521654793 (pb), 0521652448 (hb), £14.95 (pb), £40.00 (hb), xiv + 280 pp.

Warde, Alan; Lydia Martens
Eating Out: Social Differentiation, Consumption and Pleasure
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (2000), 0521599695 (pb), 246 pp.

Williams, Simon J.; Bendelow, Gillian A.
The Lived Body: Sociological Themes, Embodied Issues
Routledge: London, (1999), 0415194261 (pb), 0415194253 (hb), £15.99 (pb), £50.00 (hb), 272 pp.