Copyright Sociological Research Online, 1999

Books Received - Volume 4, Issue 2

Inclusion in this list does not pre-empt a review appearing in
Sociological Research Online. We can not accept requests from individuals to review particular titles, but anyone wishing to be considered as a reviewer for Sociological Research Online may enter their interests into our Reviewers' Database.
- Afshar, Haleh
- Islam and Feminisms: An Iranian Case-Study
Macmillan: Basingstoke, 1998, 0333771206 (pb), £15.99 (pb), xiv + 236 pp.
- Arditti, Rita
- Searching for Life; The Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo and the Disappeared Children of Argentina
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, 1999, 0520215702 (pb), £13.95/US$35.00 (pb) £17.95/ US$45.00 (hb), 235 + xvi pp.
- Bornschier, Volker: Christopher Chase-Dunn
- The Future of Global Conflict
Sage Publications: London, 1999, 0761958665 (pb) 0761958657 (hb), £16.99 (pb) £60.00 (hb), 320 pp
- Callinicos, Alex
- Social Theory: A Historical Introduction
Polity Press: Cambridge, 1999, 0745616453 (pb) 0745616445 (hb), £14.99 (pb) £49.50 (hb), 345 pp.
- Coffey, Amanda
- The Ethnographic Self, Fieldwork and the Representation of Identity
Sage Publications: London, 1999, 0761952675 (pb) 0761952667 (hb), £14.99 (pb) £45.00 (hb), 192 pp.
- Conley, Dalton
- Being Black, Living in the Red
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, 1999, 0520216733 (pb), 302 pp
- Diamond, Judy
- Practical Evaluation Guide, Tools for Museums & Other Informal Educational Settings
AltaMira Press: Walnut Creek, CA, 1999, 0761989404 (pb) 0761989390 (hb), £11.99 (pb) £26.00 (hb), 198 pp.
- Downey, John: Jim McGuigan
- Technocities, The Culture and Political Economy of the Digital Revolution
Sage Publications: London, 1999, 0761955569 (pb) 0761955550 (hb), £15.99 (pb) £45.00 (hb), 224 pp
- Ferrell, Jeff and Neil Websdale
- Making Trouble: Cultural Constructions of Crime, Deviance and Control
Aldine de Gruyter: New York, 1999, 0202306186 (pb) 0202306178 (hb), US$25.95 (pb) US$50.95 (hb), xiv + 376 pp.
- Garfinkel, Irwin: Sara S. McLanahan: Daniel R. Meyer and Judith A Seltzer
- Fathers Under Fire, The Revolution in Child Support Enforcement
Russell Sage Foundation: New York, 1999, 0871543036 (hb), £40.00/US$49.99 (hb), xiv + 352 pp.
- Gilbert, Nigel; Klasus G. Troitzsch
- Simulation For The Social Scientist
Open University Press: Buckingham, 1999, 0335197442 (pb) 0335197450 (hb), £15.99 (pb) £45.00 (hb), 277 pp.
- Josselson, Ruthellen: Amia Lieblich
- Making Meaning of Narratives
Sage Publications: London, 1999, 0761903275 (pb) 0761903267 (hb), £11.99 (pb) £26.00 (hb), 296 pp
- Kushnick, Louis; James Jennings
- A New Introduction To Poverty: The Role of Race, Power, and Politics
New York University Press: New York, 1999, 0814742394 (pb) 0814742386 (hb), US$22.50 (pb) US$60.00 (hb), 345 pp.
- Lentin, Ronit
- Gender & Catastrophe
Zed Books: London, 1997, 1856494462 (pb) 1856494454 (hb), £14.95 (pb), 282 pp.
- Lupton, Deborah
- Risk and Sociocultural Theory, New Directions and Perspectives
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1999, 0521645549 (pb) 0521642078 (hb), £12.95 (pb) £37.50 (hb), 228 pp
- Lupton, Deborah
- Risk
Routledge: London, 1999, 04151833440 (pb), £10.99 (pb), 192 pp.
- Lyon, David
- Postmodernity Second Edition
Open University Press: Buckingham, 1999, 033520144X (pb) 0335201458 (hb), £10.99 (pb) £37.50 (hb), 144 pp.
- Nakayama, Thomas K.; Judith N. Martin
- Whiteness: The Communication of Social Identity
Sage Publications: London, 1999, 0761908633 (pb) 0761908625 (hb), £16.99 (pb) £36.00 (hb), 328 pp
- Nelson, Margaret K.: Joan Smith
- Working Hard and Making Do
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, 1999, 0520215753 (pb), £13.95/ US$35.00 (pb) £16.95/US$45.00 (hb), 289 + x
- Nelson, Margaret K: Joan Smith
- Working Hard and Making Do
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, 1999, 0520215753 (pb), £13.95/ US$35.00 (pb) £16.95/ US$45.00 (hb), 279 + X
- Oi, Jean C.
- Rural China Takes Off: Institutional Foundations of Economic Reform
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, 1999, 0520217276 (pb), £13.95/US$17.95 (pb) £27.50/US$35.00 (hb), 253 + xvii pp.
- Prechter Jr, Robert R.
- The Wave Principle of Human Social Behaviour and the New Science of Socionomics
New Classics Library: Gainesville, GA, 1999, 0932750494 (hb), 464 pp.
- Rose, Nikolas
- Powers of Freedom:Reframing Political Thought
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1999, 0521659051 (pb) 0521650755 (hb), £13.95/US$22.95 (pb) £37.50/US$59.95 (hb), 326 pp.
- Smith, Greg
- Goffman and Social Organization. Studies In A Sociological Legacy
Routledge: London, 1999, 0415112044 (hb), £55.00 (hb), 235 pp.