Michael Drake, University of East Anglia
Michael Drake is a Visiting Fellow in the Politics and Sociology Sector at the University of East Anglia. He is the author of recent papers on the sociological of revolution and is currently seeking a publisher for his 1998 doctoral thesis, Problematics of Military Power: Government, discipline, and the subject of violence'. He has taught in sociology at UEA and at West Suffolk College, Bury St. Edmunds.
Ronit Lentin, Trinity College Dublin
Ronit Lentin is course coordinator of the MPhil in Ethnic and Racial Studies at the Department of Sociology, Trinity College Dublin. She is the editor of Gender and Catastrophe (Zed Books, 1997) and Europe and Middle East editor of Women's Studies International Forum. Her book Israel and the Daughters of the Shoah: Re-occupying the Territories of Silence will be published by Berghahn Books in 2000. She is the co-editor of Racism and Anti-racism in Ireland (Irish Academic Press, forthcoming) and of Desperately (Re)searching Women: Feminist Research and Practice in Ireland (Institute of Public Administration, forthcoming). She has published extensively on gender and the Shoah, gender and catastrophe, gender and racism, racism and antisemitism in Ireland and citizenship and minority ethnic women.
R. Ruth Linden, University of California, Berkeley
R. Ruth Linden is an affiliated scholar at the Beatrice M. Bain Group on Gender at U.C. Berkeley, where she is writing a book about the biopolitics of breast cancer. She is the author of Making Stories, Making Selves: Feminist Reflections on the Holocaust (Ohio State University Press, 1993), which won the Helen Hooven Santmyer Prize. She has published extensively on the Holocaust, HIV/AIDS, breast cancer, and reflexive ethnography.
Shelley Mclachlan, Loughborough University
Shelley Mclachlan is a Research Associate in the Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University. She is currently working on a Government funded project entitled 'The Social Amplification of Risk,' investigating the media's portrayal of risk issues and the resulting public perception of these risks. She previously worked on the above ESRC project ('Information and Democracy'), with Katie MacMillan, carrying out a large scale audit into the British national daily news coverage. She is also currently working on the tabloidization and dumbing down of the British media.
Katie MacMillan, Loughborough University
Katie MacMillan is Media Archivist and is currently setting up the Media and Communication Research Archive (MACRA) for Loughborough University. Her previous post, as a Research Associate in the Department of Social Sciences, on the funded project (ESRC L126251016) from which this article derives, involved studying news media coverage with regard to its role in informing a democratic electorate,. Her published articles include a study for Feminism and Psychology on 'speaking for others,' and studies with Derek Edwards on how fact and accountability are managed in news media stories. She is currently developing a collaborative study with Malcolm Ashmore and Derek Edwards, of the 'false/recovered memory' controversy.
Larry Ray, University of Kent, Canterbury
Larry Ray is Professor of Sociology at the University of Kent, Canterbury. He has written widely on sociological theory, especially Critical Theory, and the post-communist transformation. Recent books include "Social Theory and the Crisis of State Socialism" (1996, Edward Elgar), "Theorizing Classical Sociology" (1999, Open University Press) and (with Andrew Sayer eds) "Culture and Economy After the Cultural Turn" (1999, Sage). He is co-researcher with David Smith on an ESRC research project on racially-motivated violence, within the Violence Research Programme.
Massimo Repetti, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris)
Massimo Repetti studied Anthropology at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris), under the direction of Michel Agier. Now he is working in the Redaction of the review "Africa e Mediterraneo" and is responsible for social sciences. He edited the last issue : "La citta africana" (The African City) no 1/99.
Alan Scott, University of East Anglia
Alan Scott is currently Senior Lecturer in the School of Economic and Social Studies at the University of East Anglia, Norwich. From autumn 1999 he will be Professor of Sociology at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Research interests: political sociology and social theory. Recent publications include the edited collection The Limits of Globalization, Routledge, 1997.
Sara Scott, University of Liverpool
Sara Scott is currently managing a research and development project concerned with women in secure psychiatric settings at the University of Liverpool. Her book on ritual abuse is to be published by the Open University Press later this year.
Martin Shaw, University of Sussex
Martin Shaw is a sociologist and professor of International Relations and Politics at the University of Sussex, Brighton, England. He is the author of Dialectics of War (1988), Post-Military Society (1991) and Civil Society and Media in Global Crises (1996), among other books.
Paul Stubbs, University of Sheffield and STAKES, Heslinki
Paul Stubbs works on the Globalism and Social Policy Programme (http://www.stakes.fi/gaspp), a collaboration between The University of Sheffield, Department of Sociology, and STAKES, Heslinki. Based in Zagreb, he combines research on transnational communities and social policy with activism with a number of local social movements and non-governmental organisations.
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