Helen Lomax is Research Fellow at the Institute for Health Services Research, University of Luton. She is currently grantholder for a project exploring lay beliefs and asthma ('Managing Asthma: Attitudes to Asthma and Asthma Therapy Among South Asian Cultural Groups' funded by the Department of Health's national research and development programme. Forthcoming publications include Brooks, F. and Lomax, F. (in press) Labouring Bodies: Mothers, Midwives and Maternity Policy. In: Ellis, K and Dean, H (in press) Social Policy and the Body: Transitions in Corporeal Discourse, Macmillan.
Neil Casey is BA course leader at the University College of St Mark and St John and lecturer in sociology. His doctorate was in conversation analysis and he has published in a number of areas including ethnomethodology.
Copyright Sociological Research Online, 1998