Copyright Sociological Research Online, 1998

Books Received - Volume 3, Issue 3

Inclusion in this list does not pre-empt a review appearing in Sociological Research Online. We can not accept requests from individuals to review particular titles, but anyone wishing to be considered as a reviewer for Sociological Research Online may enter their interests into our Reviewers' Database.

Banks, Anna and Stephen Banks
Fiction and Social Research by Ice or Fire
AltaMira Press: Walnut Creek, CA, 1998, ISBN , 277 pp.

Ewick, P and Silbey, S
The Common Place of Law: Stories from Everyday Life
University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1998, ISBN , xviii+318 pp

Friedman, J
System, Structure and Contradiction: The Evoltuion of Asiatic Social Formations (2nd ed)
AltaMira Press: Walnut Creek, CA, 1998, ISBN , 354 pp.

Haas, Robert
Permanent Remissions
Pocket Books: New York, 1998, ISBN , 407

Hoffman, John
Open University Press: Buckingham, 1998, ISBN , x + 130 pp.

Hughes, G
Understanding Crime and Prevention: Social Control, Risk and Late Modernity
Open University Press: Buckingham, 1998, ISBN , x+177 pp.

Humphery, Kim
Shelf Life: Supermarkets and the Changing Cultures of Consumption
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1998, ISBN , ix+270 pp.

Jamrozik,Adam Nocella,Luisa
The Sociology of Social Problems Theoretical Perspectives and Methods of Interventions
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1998, ISBN , 248 pp.

Layder, D
Sociological Practice: Linking Theory and Social Research
Sage Publications: London, 1998, ISBN , vii+208 pp.

Librand, Wim and Andrzej Nowak,Rainer Hegelsmann (Editors)
Computer Modeling of Socxial Processes
Sage Publications: London, 1998, ISBN , xi+208 pp.

Luhmann Niklas (translated by Whobrey, William)
Observations on Modernity
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1998, ISBN , x+147 pp.

May T, and Williams M (editors)
Knowing the Social World
Open University Press: Buckingham, 1998, ISBN , x+198 pp.

Phillips, Anne (editor)
Feminism and Politics
Open University Press: Buckingham, 1998, ISBN , 500 pp.

Russell-Barnard, H
Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology
Publisher and Place, 1998, ISBN , 816 pp.

Stephen Hicks and Janet McDermott (editors)
Lesbian and Gay Fostering and Adoption
Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London, 1998, ISBN , 204 pp.

Symon, Gillian and Catherine Cassell (Editors)
Qualitative Methods and Analysis in Organizational Research
Sage Publications: London, 1998, ISBN , xii+ 255 pp.

The American Association for Public Opinion Research
Standard Definitions: Final Dispositions of Case Codes and Outcome Rates for RDD Telephone Surveys and In-Person Household Surveys
Publisher and Place, 1998, ISBN , 27 pp.

De Munck Victor and Elisa J Sobo
Using Mehtods in the Field
AltaMira Press: Walnut Creek, CA, 1998, ISBN , 288 pp.