Simon Williams, Ellen
Annandale and Jonathan Tritter, (1998) 'The Sociology of
Health and Illness at the Turn of the Century: Back to the
Sociological Research Online, vol.
3, no. 4,
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Received: 06/10/98 Accepted: 11/12/98 Published: 31/12/98
2According to Claus (1983), whilst medical sociology is usually regarded as a post-Second World War phenomenon, originating in the USA, in Europe - especially in France, Britain and Germany - its roots can be traced back to the social aspects of health and disease studied within disciplines like social medicine, public health and anthropology since the eighteenth century (c.f. Foucault's (1973, 1977) claim that sociology is merely a branch of social medicine). Modern European medical sociology, in short, bears the hallmarks of its antecedent or `pre-modern' phase.
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