Copyright Sociological Research Online, 1998

Books Received - Volume 3, Issue 2

Inclusion in this list does not pre-empt a review appearing in
Sociological Research Online. We can not accept requests from individuals to review particular titles, but anyone wishing to be considered as a reviewer for Sociological Research Online may enter their interests into our Reviewers' Database.
- Beckford, James A. and Sophie Gilliat
- Religion in Prison: Equal Rites in a Multi-Faith Society
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1998, ISBN 0 521 62246 8, £35.00/US$54.95 (hb), xiv + 234 pp.
- Bernardi, Daniel Leonard
- Star Trek and History: Race-ing Toward a White Future
Rutgers University Press: New Brunswick, 1998, ISBN 0 8135 2466 0 (pb); 0 8135 2465 2 (hb), £13.50 (pb); £38.50 (hb), xiv + 250 pp.
- Gabriel, John
- Whitewash: Racialized Politics and the Media
Routledge: London, 1998, ISBN 0 415 14970 3, £14.99, viii + 224 pp.
- Germov, John (editor)
- Second Opinion: An Introduction to Health Sociology
Oxford University Press Australia: Melbourne, 1998, ISBN 0 19 553986 9, £22.50, xxiv + 400 pp.
- Gittins, Diana
- Madness in its Place: Narratives of Severalls Hospital, 1913-1997
Routledge: London, 1998, ISBN 0 415 18388 X, £15.99, xii + 244 pp.
- Halford, Susan, Mike Savage and Anne Witz
- Gender, Careers and Organisations: Current Developments in Banking and Local Government
Macmillan: Basingstoke, 1997, ISBN 0 333 60978 6, 13.99, xii + 292 pp.
- Henry, Millsom (editor)
- Using IT Effectively: A Guide to Technology in the Social Sciences
UCL Press: London, 1998, ISBN 1 85728 795 9, £14.95 (pb), xxiv + 202 pp.
- Huby, Meg
- Social Policy and the Environment
Open University Press: Buckingham, 1998, ISBN 0 335 19829 5 (pb); 0 335 19830 9 (hb), £14.99 (pb); £45.00 (hb), xvi + 176 pp.
- John, Mary (editor)
- A Charge Against Society: The Child's Right to Protection
Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London, 1997, ISBN 1 85302 41 1, £16.95, x + 278 pp.
- Locke, Lawrence F., Stephen J. Silverman and Waneen Wyrick Spirduso
- Reading and Understanding Research
Sage Publications: London, 1998, ISBN 0 7619 0307 0 (pb); 0 7619 0306 2 (hb), £14.99 (pb); £31.00 (hb), xvi + 240 pp.
- O'Sullivan, Tim, Brian Dutton and Philip Rayner
- Studying the Media (2nd edition)
Arnold: London, 1998, ISBN 0 340 67685 X, 15.99, xii + 388 pp.
- Potts, Anthony
- College Academics
William Michael Press: Charlestown, NSW, Australia, 1997, ISBN 0 64633 635 5, $A40, x + 270 pp.
- Seale, Clive (editor)
- Researching Society and Culture
Sage Publications: London, 1998, ISBN 0 7619 5277 2 (pb); 0 7619 5277 2 (hb), £14.99 (pb); £45.00 (hb), x + 350 pp.
- Stones, Rob (editor)
- Key Sociological Thinkers
Macmillan: Basingstoke, 1998, ISBN 0 333 68767 1, £14.99 (pb), xvi + 366 pp.
- Walkerdine, Valerie
- Daddy's Girl: Young Girls and Popular Culture
Macmillan: Basingstoke, 1997, ISBN 0 333 64780 7, 11.99, x + 210 pp.
- Wynne, Derek
- Leisure, Lifestyle and the New Middle Class: A Case Study
Routledge: London, 1998, ISBN 0 415 03834 0, 45.00, xi + 174 pp.