Copyright Sociological Research Online, 1998

Books Received - Volume 3, Issue 1

Inclusion in this list does not pre-empt a review appearing in
Sociological Research Online.
- Barbalet, J. M.
- Emotion, Social Theory and Social Structure: A Macrosociological Approach
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1998, ISBN 0 521 62190 9, £35.00/US$54.95 (hb), x + 210 pp.
- Borowski, Allan, Sol Encel and Elizabeth Ozanne
- Ageing and Social Policy in Australia
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1998, ISBN 0 521 49820 1 (pb); 0 521 49661 6 (hb), £15.95/US$22.95; £45.00/US$59.95, xviii + 340 pp.
- Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne, Greg J. Duncan and J. Lawrence (editors)
- Neighborhood Poverty: Volume II: Policy Implications in Studying Neighborhoods
Russell Sage Foundation: New York, 1997, ISBN 0 87154 146 7, US$39.95, xxii + 240 pp.
- Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne, Greg J. Duncan and J. Lawrence (editors)
- Neighborhood Poverty: Volume I: Context and Consequences for Children
Russell Sage Foundation: New York, 1997, ISBN 0 87154 145 9, US$49.95, xxii + 338 pp.
- Butchart, Alexander
- The Anatomy of Power
Zed Books: London, 1998, ISBN 1 85649 540 X (pb), £14.95/US$22.50 (pb); £42.40/US$62.50 (hb), xiv + 224 pp.
- Chateauvert, Melinda
- Marching Together: Women of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
University of Illinois Press: Champaign, IL, 1998, ISBN 0 252 06636 7 (pb); 0 252 02340 4 (hb), US$17.95 (pb); US$46.95 (hb), xiv + 278 pp.
- Cuff, E.C., W.W. Sharrock and D.W. Francis
- Perspectives in Sociology (4th edition)
Routledge: London, 1998, ISBN 0 415 15979 2, £14.99, vi + 362 pp.
- Dyreson, Mark
- Making the American Team: Sport, Culture and the Olympic Experience
University of Illinois Press: Champaign, IL, 1998, ISBN 0 252 06654 5, US$18.95, x + 276 pp.
- Fuller, Steve
- Science
Open University Press: Buckingham, 1997, ISBN 0 335 19847 3 (pb)/0 335 19848 1 (hb), £9.99 (pb)/£35.00 (hb), vii + 160 pp.
- Giddens, Anthony (editor)
- Sociology: Introductory Readings
Polity Press: Cambridge, 1997, ISBN 0 7456 1874 x, £13.95, x + 468 pp.
- Giddens, Anthony
- Sociology (3rd edition)
Polity Press: Cambridge, 1997, ISBN 0 7456 1803 0, £14.95, xiv + 626 pp.
- Griffin, Gabrielle and Sonya Andermahr (editors)
- Straight Studies Modified: Lesbain Interventions in the Academy
Cassell: London, 1997, ISBN 0 304 33630 0, £16.99, x + 246 pp.
- Gubbay, Jon, Chris Middleton and Chet Ballard (editors)
- The Student's Companion to Sociology
Blackwell Publishers: Oxford, 1997, ISBN 0 631 19948 9, 15.99, xvi + 392 pp.
- Harris, David
- A Society of Signs?
Routledge: London, 1996, ISBN 0 415 11129 3, 12.99, xviii + 234 pp.
- Hauser, Robert M., Brett V. Brown and William R. Prosser (editors)
- Indicators of Children's Well-Being
Russell Sage Foundation: New York, 1997, ISBN 0 87154 386 9, US$75.00, xxiv + 510 pp.
- Johnson, Troy, Joane Nagel and Duane Champagne (editors)
- American Indian Activism: Alcatraz to the Longest Walk
University of Illinois Press: Champaign, IL, 1997, ISBN 0 252 06653 7, $19.95 (pb)/$36.95 (hb), vi + 298 pp.
- Kitchin, Rob
- Cyberspace: The World in the Wires
John Wiley: Chichester, 1998, ISBN 0 471 97862 0, , xiv + 214 pp.
- La Fontaine, J. S.
- Speak of the Devil: Tales of Satanic Abuse in Contemporary England
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1998, ISBN 0 521 62934 9 (pb)/0 521 62082 1 (hb), £14.95/US$ 22.95 (pb)/£40.00/US$59.95 (hb), xii + 224 pp.
- Lister, Ruth
- Citizenship: Feminist Perspectives
Macmillan: Basingstoke, 1998, ISBN 0 333 53488 3 (pb); 0 333 53487 3 (hb), £13.99 (pb); £42.50 (hb), xii + 284 pp.
- Long, Elizabeth (editor)
- From Sociology to Cultural Studies: New Perspectives
Blackwell Publishers: Oxford, 1997, ISBN 1 57718 013 5, 15.99, xii + 530 pp.
- MacInnes, John
- The End of Masculinity
Open University Press: Buckingham, 1998, ISBN 0 335 19658 6 (pb); 0 335 19659 4 (hb), £13.99 (pb); $42.50 (hb), viii + 168 pp.
- McCord, Joan
- Violence and Childhood in the Inner City
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1998, ISBN 0 521 58720 4 (pb); 0 521 58326 8 (hb), £16.95/US$19.95 (pb); £45.00/US$59.95 (hb), xiv + 334 pp.
- McGuigan, Jim (editor)
- Cultural Methodologies
Sage Publications: London, 1997, ISBN 0 8039 7485 X, 13.99, viii + 216 pp.
- Medhurst, Andy and Sally R. Munt
- Lesbian and Gay Studies: A Critical Introduction
Cassell: London, 1997, ISBN 0 304 33882 6, £16.99, xxviii + 388 pp.
- Mestrovic, Stjepan G.
- Anthony Giddens: The Last Modernist
Routledge: London, 1998, ISBN 0 415 19573 5, £14.99, x + 42 pp.
- Natoli, Joseph
- A Primer to Postmodernity
Blackwell Publishers: Oxford, 1997, ISBN 1 577180 61 5, 12.99, xii + 210
- Piirainen, Timo
- Towards a New Social Order in Russia: Transforming Structures and Everyday Life
Dartmouth: Aldershot, 1997, ISBN 1 85521 690 6, £39.50 (hb), viii + 256 pp.
- Ratzan, Scott C.
- The Mad Cow Crisis: Health and the Public Good
UCL Press: London, 1998, ISBN 1 85728 812 2, £14.95, xii + 250 pp.
- Schehr, Lawrence, R.
- Parts of an Andrology: On Representations of Men's Bodies
Stanford University Press: Stanford, CA, 1997, ISBN 0 8047 2920 4 (pb); 0 8047 2919 0 (hb), £12.00/US$16.95 (pb); £35.00/US$45.00 (hb), xii + 230 pp.
- Segal, Gerald
- Openness and Foreign Policy Reform in Communist States
Routledge: London, 1992, ISBN 0 415 08275 7, , x + 248 pp.
- Spybey, Tony
- Britain in Europe: An Introduction to Sociology
Routledge: London, 1997, ISBN 0 415 11717 8, 14.99, xvi + 486 pp.
- Thompson, Kenneth
- Moral Panics
Routledge: London, 1998, ISBN 0 415 11977 4, £10.99 (pb), x + 160 pp.
- Tilly, Charles
- Durable Inequality
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, 1998, ISBN 0 520 21171 5, $29.95 (hb), xii + 300 pp.
- Zurbrugg, Nicholas (editor)
- Jean Baudrillard, Art and Artefact
Sage Publications: London, 1997, ISBN 0 7619 5580 1, £14.99, viii + 184 pp.
- van Krieken, Robert
- Norbert Elias
Routledge: London, 1998, ISBN 0 415 10416 5, £11.99, viii + 214 pp.