Copyright Sociological Research Online, 1997

Books Received - Volume 2, Issue 4

Inclusion in this list does not pre-empt a review appearing in
Sociological Research Online.
- Alexander, Victoria D.
- Museums and
Money: The Impact of Funding on Exhibitions, Scholarship and Management
Indiana University Press: Bloomington, IN, 1997, ISBN 0 253 33205 2,
£21.95, xiii + 170 pp.
- Bagilhole, Barbara
- Equal Opportunities
and Social Policy: Issues of Race, Gender and Disability
Longman: London, 1997, ISBN 0 582 27951 8, £14.99, viii + 222
- Barnard, Andy and Terry Burgess
- Sociology
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1996, ISBN 0 521 42671 5, ,
viii + 488 pp.
- Becker, Hans
- Social Impact Assessment
UCL Press: London, 1997, ISBN 1 85728 347 3, £15.95, xii + 260
- Becker, Saul
- Responding to Poverty:
The Politics oc Cash and Care
Addison Wesley Longman: Harlow, 1997, ISBN 0 582 24322 X, £12.99, xii
+ 224 pp.
- Behar, Joseph E. (editor)
- Mapping
Cyberspace: Social Research on the Electronic Frontier
Dowling College Press: New York, 1997, ISBN 1 883058 43 0, $17.00, iv
+ 260 pp.
- Bendelow, Gillian and Simon J. Williams (editors)
- Emotions
in Social Life: Critical Themes and Contemporary Issues
Routledge: London, 1997, ISBN 0 415 13798 5 (hb); 0 415 13799 3 (pb),
£50.00 (hb); £17.99 (pb), xxx + 340 pp.
- Bilton, Tony, Bonnett, Kevin, Jones, Pip, Skinner,
David, Stanworth, Michelle and Webster, Andrew
- Introductory
Sociology (3rd edition)
Macmillan: Basingstoke, 1996, ISBN 0 333 66511 2, £14.99, xviii + 684
- Bravmann, Scott
- Queer Fictions of the
Past: History, Culture and Difference
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1997, ISBN 0 521 59907 5 (pb);
0 521 59101 5 (hb), £13.95/US$16.95 (pb); £37.50/US$54.95 (hb), xvi
+174 pp.
- Butler, Judith
- The Psychic Life of
Power: Theories in Subjunction
Stanford University Press: Stanford, CA, 1997, ISBN 0 8047 2812 7
(pb); 0 8047 2811 9 (hb), £9.95/US$14.95 (pb); £27.95/US$39.50 (hb), x
+ 218 pp.
- Corse, Sarah M.
- Nationalism and
Literature: The Politics of Culture in Canada and the United States
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1997, ISBN 0 521 57912 0 (pb);
0 521 57002 6 (hb), £14.95/US$17.95 (pb); £40.00/US$54.95 (hb), xii +
215 pp.
- Dombrowski, Daniel A.
- Babies and
Beasts: The Argument from Marginal Cases
University of Illinois Press: Champaign, IL, 1997, ISBN 0 252 06638 3
(pb); 0 252 02342 0 (hb), $14.95 (pb); $39.95 (hb), 222 pp.
- Doyle, Richard
- On Beyond Living:
Rhetorical Transformations of the Life Sciences
Stanford University Press: Stanford, CA, 1997, ISBN 0 8047 2765 1
(pb); 0 8047 2764 3 (hb), £10.95/US$16.95 (pb); £30.00/US$39.50 (hb),
xii +178 pp.
- Dunaway, David K. and Willa K. Baum (editors)
- Oral
History: An Interdisciplinary Anthology (2nd edition)
AltaMira Press: Walnut Creek, CA, 1996, ISBN 0 7619 9189 1, £18.95,
432 pp.
- Haydu, Jeffrey
- Making American
Industry Safe for Democracy
University of Illinois Press: Champaign, IL, 1997, ISBN 0 252 06628 6,
, x + 262 pp.
- Hill, Malcolm and Kay Tisdall
- Children
and Society
Publisher, 1997, ISBN 0 582 29492 4, £14.99, ix + 358 pp.
- Hirst, Paul
- From Statism to
Pluralism: Democracy, Civil Society and Global Politics
UCL Press: London, 1997, ISBN 1 85728 750 9, £12.95, viii + 260
- Juvonen, Jaana and Wentzel, Kathryn (editors)
- Social
Motivation: Understanding Children's School Adjustment
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1997, ISBN 0 521 56442 5 (pb);
0 521 47324 1 (hb), £22.95/US$29.95(pb); £55.00/US$74.95 (hb), xvi +
376 pp.
- Kivisto, Peter
- Key Ideas in
Pine Forge Press: Thousand Oaks, CA, 1997, ISBN 0 8039 9088 X, £16.50,
xiv + 186 pp.
- Layder, Derek
- Understanding Social
Sage Publications: London, 1994, ISBN 0 8039 8449 9 (pb);0 8039 8448
(hb), £12.99 (pb); £37.50 (hb), viii + 230 pp.
- Marsh, Ian, Keating, Mike, Eyre, Anne, Campbell,
Rosie and McKenzie, Janet
- Making Sense of Society
Addison Wesley Longman: Harlow, 1996, ISBN 0 582 22895 6 (pb), £17.99,
640 pp.
- May, Tim
- Social Research: Issues,
Methods and Process (2nd ed)
Open University Press: Buckingham, 1997, ISBN 0 335 20005 2 (pb); 0
335 20006 0 (hb), £12.99 (pb); £42.50 (hb), xii + 228 pp.
- Mayhew, Leon H.
- The New Public:
Professional Communication and the Means of Social Influence
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1997, ISBN 0 521 48493 6 (pb);0
521 48146 5 (hb), £16.95 (pb); £50.00 (hb), xii + 332 pp.
- Molm, Linda D.
- Coercive Power in
Social Exchange
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1997, ISBN 0 521 57461 7 (pb);
0 521 56290 2 (hb), £15.95/US$21.95 (pb); £45.00/US$59.95 (hb), xii +
316 pp.
- Morrison, Ken
- Marx, Durkheim,
Sage Publications: London, 1995, ISBN 0 8039 7563 5 (pb); 0 8039 7562
7 (hb), £13.99 (pb); £37.50 (hb), xvi + 362 pp.
- Reinarman, Craig and Harry G. Levine (editors)
- Crack
in America: Demon Drugs and Social Justice
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, 1997, ISBN 0 520 20242
2, $17.95, xvi + 390 pp.
- Rule, James B.
- Theory and Progress in
Social Science
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1997, ISBN 0 521 57494 3 (pb);
0 521 57365 3 (hb), £14.95 (pb); £40.00 (hb), xiv + 258 pp.
- Runciman, W. G.
- A Treatise on Social
Theory: Substantive Social Theory (Volume II)
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1989, ISBN 0 521 36983 5 (pb);
0 521 24959 7 (hb), £19.95/US$27.95 (pb); £45.00/US$69.95 (hb), xiv +
494 pp.
- Runciman, W. G.
- A Treatise on Social
Theory: Volume 1: The Methodology of Social Theory
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1983, ISBN 0 521 27251 3 (pb);
0 521 24906 6 (hb), £15.95/US$24.95 (pb); £35.00/US$57.50 (hb), xii +
350 pp.
- Zolberg, Vera and Joni Maya Cherbo (editors)
- Outsider
Art: Contesting Boundaries in Contemporary Culture
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1997, ISBN 0 521 58921 5 (pb);
0 521 58111 7 (hb), £16.95/US$22.95 (pb); £50.00/US$59.95 (hb), xiv +
218 pp.