Kelle, U. (1997) 'Theory Building
in Qualitative Research and Computer Programs for the Management of Textual
Sociological Research Online, vol. 2, no. 2,
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Received: 11/2/97 Accepted: 2/6/97 Published: 30/6/97
Qualitative coding is not the same as quantitative coding. The term itself provides a case in point in which the language may obscure meaning and method. Quantitative coding requires preconceived, logically deduced codes into which the data are placed. Qualitative coding, in contrast, means creating categories from interpretation of the data. Rather than relying on preconceived categories and standardized procedures, qualitative coding has its own distinctive structure, logic and purpose. (Charmaz, 1983: p.111)
1 | job and profession |
1.1 | job and profession/aspirations |
1.2 | job and profession/realizations |
1.3 | job and profession/evaluations |
(.....) | |
5 | cohabitation |
5.1 | cohabitation/aspirations |
5.2 | cohabitation/realizations |
5.3 | cohabitation/evaluations |
(.....) | |
8 | children |
8.1 | children/aspirations |
8.2 | children/realizations |
8.3 | children/evaluations |
Figure 1: An Extract from a Coding Scheme
I mean, that was ... how we found ourselves, how we lived together after that, the marriage and how we lived together when we married, somehow, I liked it more. As it is today, I mean, I mean that this is not good today. It is not ideal, how they are together or not ... I don't know, that's nothing for me. (Case 60)Well, I mean, if one moves together in one apartment, (...) one should marry, or be at least engaged in the beginning. That has perhaps something to do with morality, since we were educated that way. Morals have become a little bit loose today.... (Case 98)
Well, I like it that one does obviously not live, so to speak, under that strong pressure (to get married) today, and the children can do it today in different ways... But there is also some regret, that it is a little bit too loose today.... (Case 46)
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