Refereed Articles
Jacqueline O'Reilly
Theoretical Considerations in Cross-National Employment Research
Geoff Payne, Judy Payne and Mark Hyde
'Refuse of all Classes'? Social Indicators and Social Deprivation
Vernon Gayle
Modelling Tabular Data With An Ordered Outcome
Ray Thomas
Statistics as Organizational Products
Edith de Leeuw and William L. Nicholls II
Technological Innovations in Data Collection: Acceptance, Data Quality and Costs
John R Schmuttermaier and David Schmitt
Smoke and Mirrors: Modernist Illusions in the Quantitative versus Qualitative Research Debate
Malcolm Williams
The Problem of Representation: Realism and Operationalism in Survey Research
Stephen Gorard
Understanding Probabilities and Re-Considering Traditional Research Training
Book and Software Reviews
Kate Bloor
Mark Sirkin: Statistics for the Social Sciences
James A. Davis
Surrey European Management School: SAMP for Windows
Research Resources
Tom W. Smith
The General Social Survey Data and Information Retrieval System