Refereed Articles
Alison Bowes
Evaluating an Empowering Research Strategy: Reflections on Action-Research with South Asian Women
Amanda Coffey, Beverley Holbrook and Paul Atkinson
Qualitative Data Analysis: Technologies and Representations
Raymond M. Lee and Nigel Fielding
Qualitative Data Analysis: Representations of a Technology: A Comment on Coffey, Holbrook and Atkinson
Matthew David and David Zeitlyn
What are they Doing? Dilemmas in Analyzing Bibliographic Searching: Cultural and Technical Networks in Academic Lif e
Adele Clarke and Susan Leigh Star
Anselm Strauss: Obituary
Susan Leigh Star
Anselm Strauss: An Appreciation
Martyn Hammersley and Roger Gomm
Bias in Social Research
Beth Humphries
From Critical Thought to Emancipatory Action:
Contradictory Research Goals?
Nirmal Puwar
Reflections on Interviewing Women MPs
Miriam Catterall and Pauline Maclaran
Focus Group Data and Qualitative Analysis Programs: Coding the Moving Picture as Well as the Snapshots
Udo Kelle
Theory Building in Qualitative Research and Computer Programs for the Management of Textual Data
Odette Parry, Carolyn Thomson and Gerry Fowkes
Life Course Data Collection: Qualitative Interviewing using the Life Grid
Andrew Finlay
'Whatever You Say Say Nothing': an Ethnographic Encounter in Northern Ireland and its Sequel
Gill Hubbard
The Usefulness of Indepth Life History Interviews for Exploring the Role of Social Structure and Human Agency in Youth Transitions
Sarah Goode
Researching a Hard-To-Access and Vulnerable Population: Some Considerations On Researching Drug and Alcohol-Using Mothers
Jeni Harden, Sue Scott, Kathryn Backett-Milburn and Stevi Jackson
Can't Talk, Won't Talk?: Methodological Issues in Researching Children
Sevaste Chatzifotiou
Conducting Qualitative Research on Wife Abuse: Dealing with the Issue of Anxiety
Linda Perriton
Incestuous Fields: Management Research, Emotion and Data Analysis
Robert MacDonald, Paul Mason, Tracy Shildrick, Colin Webster, Les Johnston and Louise Ridley
Snakes & Ladders: In Defence of Studies of Youth Transition
John Roberts
Dialogue, Positionality and the Legal Framing of Ethnographic Research
John R Schmuttermaier and David Schmitt
Smoke and Mirrors: Modernist Illusions in the Quantitative versus Qualitative Research Debate
Charlotte Aull Davies and Nickie Charles
The Piano in the Parlour: Methodological Issues in the Conduct of a Restudy
Book Reviews
Ann Lewins
Robert G. Burgess (editor): Studies in Qualitative Methodology
Anna Triandafyllidou
William Thomas and Florian Znaniecki (edited by Eli Zaretsky): The Polish Peasant in Europe and America
Martyn Hammersley
Joseph A. Maxwell: Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach
Research Resources
Louise Corti and Paul Thompson
ESRC Qualitative Data Archival Resource Centre QUALIDATA
Ann Lewins