Refereed Articles
Alison Bowes
Evaluating an Empowering Research Strategy: Reflections on Action-Research with South Asian Women
Odette Parry
In One Ear and Out the Other: UnmaskingMasculinities in the Caribbean Classroom
Martyn Hammersley & Roger Gomm
Bias in Social Research
Beth Humphries
From Critical Thought to Emancipatory Action: Contradictory Research Goals?
Nirmal Puwar
Reflections on Interviewing Women MPs
Carey Jewitt
Images of Men: Male Sexuality in Sexual Health Leaflets and Posters for Young People
Norma Romm
Becoming More Accountable: A Comment on Hammersley and Gomm
Dianne Millen
Some Methodological and Epistemological Issues Raised by Doing Feminist Research on Non-Feminist Women
G. Coates
Organisation Man - Women and Organisational Culture
Martyn Hammersley
A Reply to Humphries
Martyn Hammersley and Roger Gomm
A Response to Romm
Bogusia Temple
'Collegial Accountability' and Bias: The Solution or the Problem?
Sara Scott
Here Be Dragons: Researching the Unbelievable, Hearing the Unthinkable. A Feminist Sociologist in Uncharted Territory
Annie Huntington
A Critical Response to Sara Scott's 'Here be Dragons: Researching the Unbelievable, Hearing the Unthinkable. A Feminist Sociologist in Uncharted Territory'
Sue Wise
Reading Sara Scott's 'Here Be Dragons'
Sara Scott
Dancing to Different Tunes: A Reply to Responses to Here Be Dragons
Stevi Jackson
Feminist Sociology and Sociological Feminism: Recovering the Social in Feminist Thought
Gayle Letherby
'Claims and Disclaimers: Knowledge, Reflexivity and Representation in Feminist Research'
Fiona Gill and Catherine Maclean
Knowing your Place: Gender and Reflexivity in two Ethnographies
Myra Hird
From The Culture of Matter to the Matter of Culture: Feminist Explorations of Nature and Science
Sue Wise and Liz Stanley
Looking Back and Looking Forward: Some Recent Feminist Sociology Reviewed
Book Reviews
Paul Atkinson
Don Kulick and Margaret Willson (editors): Taboo: Sex, Identity and Erotic Subjectivity in Anthropological Fieldwork
Pamela Cotterill
Shelley Phillips: Beyond the Myths: Mother and Daughter Relationships in Psychology, History, Literature and Everyday Life
John Goodwin
Calvin Thomas: Male Matters: Masculinity, Anxiety, and the Male Body on the Line
April Brayfield
Heidi Gottfried (editor): Feminism and Social Change: Bridging Theory and Practice
Alexandra Howson
Martha McMahon: Engendering Motherhood: Identity and Self-Transformation in Women's Lives
Colette Fagan
Daphne Spain and Suzanne M. Bianchi: Balancing Act: Motherhood, Marriage and Employment among American Women
Suzan Lewis and Jeremy Lewis: The Work-Family Challenge
Stephanie Linkogle
Sasha Roseneil: Disarming Patriarchy: Feminism and Political Action at Greenham
Claire Wallace
Hilary Pilkington: Gender, Generation and Identity in Contemporary Russia
Fiona Devine
Juliet Webster: Shaping Women's Work: Gender, Employment and Information Technology
Gill Clarke and Sarah Gilroy
Gillian A. Dunne: Lesbian Lifestyles: Women's Work and the Politics of Sexuality
Paula Frederick
Nira Yuval-Davis: Gender and Nation
Angelo Soares
Shin Ja Um: Korean Immigrant Women in the Dallas-Area Apparel Industry: Looking for Feminist Threads in Patriarchal Cloth
Christine Griffin
Youth Research in the 1990s: Time for (Another) Rethink (extended review)
Harriet Bradley
David L. Collinson and Jeff Hearn: Men as Managers, Managers as Men: Critical Perspectives on Men, Maculinities and Managements