Refereed Articles
Odette Parry
In One Ear and Out the Other: UnmaskingMasculinities in the Caribbean Classroom
David Byrne and Tim Rogers
Divided Spaces - Divided School: An Exploration of the Spatial Relations of Social Division
R. David Smith
The Career of Status Crystallization: A Sociological Odyssey
Chanoch Jacobsen and Tamar Vanki
Violating an Occupational Sex-Stereotype: Israeli Women Earning Engineering Degrees
Bie Nio Ong and Kelvin Jordan
Health Experiences of Elderly People in an Outer London Area
Jennifer Jarman, Robert M. Blackburn, Bradley Brooks and Esther Dermott
Gender Differences at Work: International Variations in Occupational Segregation
Max Travers
Qualitative Sociology and Social Class
Angus Bancroft
'Gypsies To The Camps!': Exclusion and Marginalisation of Roma in the Czech Republic
Andrew Finlay
'Whatever You Say Say Nothing': an Ethnographic Encounter in Northern Ireland and its Sequel
Brendan Halpin
Is Class Changing? A Work-Life History Perspective on the Salariat
Jennifer Platt
Women in the British Sociological Labour Market, 1960-1995
Tracey Warren
Women in Low Status Part-Time Jobs: A Class and Gender Analysis
Manussos Marangudakis and William Kelly
Strategic Minorities and the Global Network of Power: Western Thrace and Northern Ireland in Comparative Perspective
Ian McIntosh and Angus Erskine
'Money for nothing'?: Understanding Giving to Beggars
Sarah Irwin
Reproductive Regimes: Changing Relations of Inter-dependence and Fertility Change
Various Authors
Rapid Response Articles on Land Reform in South Africa
Anne Margrethe Brigham
Land Reform: A Foundation For Industrial Growth In Developing Countries?
Jon Gubbay
Shifting Classes: Interactions with Industry and Gender Shifts in the 1980s
Pat O'Connor
Changing Places: Privilege and Resistance in Contemporary Ireland
Ronit Lentin
Responding to the Racialisation of Irishness: Disavowed Multiculturalism and its Discontents
John Rex
The Basic Elements of a Systematic Theory of Ethnic Relations
Wendy Bottero and Kenneth Prandy
Women's Occupations and the Social Order in Nineteenth Century Britain
Gillian A. Dunne
The Lady Vanishes? Reflections on the Experiences of Married and Divorced Non-Heterosexual Fathers
Geoff Payne and Judy Roberts
Opening and Closing the Gates: Recent Developments in Male Social Mobility in Britain
John Ryan, James Hawdon and Allison Branick
The Political Economy of Diversity: Diversity Programs in Fortune 500 Companies
Anna Triandafyllidou
Religious Diversity and Multiculturalism in Southern Europe: The Italian Mosque Debate
Les Back, Michael Keith, Azra Khan, Kalbir Shukra and John Solomos
The Return of Assimilationism: Race, Multiculturalism and New Labour
Jay Ginn and Sara Arber
Degrees of Freedom: Do Graduate Women escape the Motherhood Gap in Pensions?
Jenny Hockey, Victoria Robinson and Angela Meah
'For Better or Worse?': Heterosexuality Reinvented
Andrew Sayer
What Are You Worth?: Why Class is an Embarrassing Subject
Angela Dale
Social Exclusion of Pakistani and Bangladeshi Women
Deidre Wicks, Gita Mishra and Lisa Milne
Young Women, Work and Inequality: Is It What They Want or What They Get? An Australian Contribution to Research on Women and Workforce Participation
Book Reviews
Pamela Cotterill
Shelley Phillips: Beyond the Myths: Mother and Daughter Relationships in Psychology, History, Literature and Everyday Life
Fiona Devine
David J. Lee and Bryan S. Turner: Conflicts about Class: Debating Inequality in Late Industrialism
Sara Arber
Harley Carl Schreck: The Elderly in America: Volunteerism and Neighborhood in Seattle
Susanne C. Monahan
Carol Auster: Sociology of Work: Concepts and Cases
April Brayfield
Heidi Gottfried (editor): Feminism and Social Change: Bridging Theory and Practice
Alexandra Howson
Martha McMahon: Engendering Motherhood: Identity and Self-Transformation in Women's Lives
Colette Fagan
Daphne Spain and Suzanne M. Bianchi: Balancing Act: Motherhood, Marriage and Employment among American Women
Suzan Lewis and Jeremy Lewis: The Work-Family Challenge
Stephanie Linkogle
Sasha Roseneil: Disarming Patriarchy: Feminism and Political Action at Greenham
Claire Wallace
Hilary Pilkington: Gender, Generation and Identity in Contemporary Russia