Martin Bulmer and Liz Stanley
Refereed Articles
Amanda Coffey, Beverley Holbrook and Paul Atkinson
Qualitative Data Analysis: Technologies and Representations
Jane McKie
Is Democracy at the Heart of IT? Commercial Perceptions of Technology
Matthew David and David Zeitlyn
What are they Doing? Dilemmas in Analyzing Bibliographic Searching: Cultural and Technical Networks in Academic Life
Edith de Leeuw & William L. Nicholls II
Technological Innovations in Data Collection: Acceptance, Data Quality and Costs
Raymond M. Lee and Nigel Fielding
Qualitative Data Analysis: Representations of a Technology: A Comment on Coffey, Holbrook and Atkinson
Miriam Catterall & Pauline Maclaran
Focus Group Data and Qualitative Analysis Programs: Coding the Moving Picture as Well as the Snapshots
Udo Kelle
Theory Building in Qualitative Research and Computer Programs for the Management of Textual Data
Bella Dicks and Bruce Mason
Hypermedia and Ethnography: Reflections on the Construction of a Research Approach
Christine A. Barry
Choosing Qualitative Data Analysis Software: Atlas/ti and Nudist Compared
katie j. ward
The Cyber-Ethnographic (Re)Construction of Two Feminist Online Communities
Paul Stubbs
Virtual Diaspora?: Imagining Croatia On-line
Katie MacMillan and Shelley McLachlan
Theory-Building with Nud.Ist: Using Computer Assisted Qualitative Analysis in a Media Case Study
Peter Chen and S. M. Hinton
Realtime Interviewing Using the World Wide Web
Nicholas Pleace, Roger Burrows, Brian Loader, Steven Muncer and Sarah Nettleton
On-Line with the Friends of Bill W: Social Support and the Net
Henrietta O'Connor and Clare Madge
Cyber-Mothers: Online Synchronous Interviewing using Conferencing Software
Nicola Illingworth
The Internet Matters: Exploring the Use of the Internet as a Research Tool
Christine Hine
Cyberscience and Social Boundaries: the Implications of Laboratory Talk on the Internet
Book and Software Reviews
Ann Lewins
Robert G. Burgess (editor): Studies in Qualitative Methodology
Joost van Loon
Rob Shields (editor): Cultures of the Internet
Mike Featherstone & Roger Burrows (editors): Cyberspace Cyberbodies Cyberpunk
James A. Davis
Surrey European Management School: SAMP for Windows
Research Resources
Debra Hiom and Lesly Huxley
Using SOSIG to support Social Science Teaching and Research
Tom W. Smith
The General Social Survey Data and Information Retrieval System
Millsom Henry
SocInfo - CTI Centre for Sociology, Politics and Social Policy
Ann Lewins
Karen Brannen and Joanne Lamb
Using Metadata for Cross-National Comparisons