William Housley
and Richard Fitzgerald (2003) 'Moral Discrepancy and
Political Discourse: Accountability and the Allocation of
Blame in a Political News Interview'
Sociological Research Online, vol. 8, no. 2,
To cite articles published in Sociological Research Online, please reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 8/11/2002 Accepted: 15/5/2003 Published: 31/05/2003
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... manouvre [that] facilitates multiple local rationalities, hearings and histories of the exchange. After all, it is a design feature of such [broadcast] settings and talk that it is recorded and segments may be replayed and discussed and different claims about what has been meant voiced within different news contexts.
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G= Guest
The following conventions, developed by Gail Jefferson, were used for our transcripts. These conventions denote lapses in time, overlapping talk, pace and in some instances pitch, pronunciation and stress. We have only included those symbols used in the transcriptions.
Numbers in Parentheses: e.g. (1.0) denotes the approximate duration pauses or gaps between utterances in seconds or tenths of seconds.
Point in Parentheses: (.) indicates a 'micro - pause' of less than two tenths of a second.
Letters, words or activities in parentheses: (cough) sounds, words or activities that are distinct or difficult to locate to a particular interlocutor (s).
Square Brackets: [ ] mark the points where talk overlaps.
Full Colons: ( : : ) denote an extension in the vowel or consonant sound in the utterance of a word.
Emphasis: (CAPITALS) indicates specific emphasis and change in volume.
Underlined word: ( as we said) indicates pitch change.
Equals signs: = identifies a 'latching' between utterances, whereby which utterances follow each other rapidly after a preceding utterance.
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