Papastephanou (2001) 'Modernization, Rationalization,
and Education: Responding to the Other'
Sociological Research Online, vol. 6, no. 3,
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Received: 4/4/2001 Accepted: 22/11/2001 Published: 30/11/2001
2 We shall return to her account, which involves a list of normative and descriptive vices in the conclusion.
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4 As she writes, 'Allan Bloom, for example, asserts that "only in the Western nations, i.e. those influenced by Greek philosophy, is there some willingness to doubt the identification of the good with one's own way." This inaccurate description neglects rich critical traditions in many non-Western philosophical cultures and, of course, the everyday critical rationality of most human beings in all places and times. On this shaky basis Bloom then judges the West to be superior and the non-West to be not worth studying' (132).
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