Edmund Chattoe
and Nigel Gilbert (2001) 'Understanding Consumption:
What Interviews with Retired Households Can Reveal About
Budgetary Decisions'
Sociological Research
Online, vol. 6, no. 3,
To cite articles published in Sociological Research Online, please reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 4/7/2001 Accepted: 16/11/2001 Published: 30/11/2001
Household | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |||||
Arnold | M | - | M | E | P | H | O S P | C I | M | A | C | ||||
Blake | S | - | F | RR | V | L | O S | C | F | O | A | P | |||
Byron | S | - | F | RR | V | L | O S | C | F | A | P | R | |||
Coleridge | M | C | M | E | P | M | S P | C I | M | P | R | ||||
Cowper | M | - | J | RRR | N | M | O S I | C S I | J | A | P | ||||
Donne | M | - | M | RR | V | M | O S I | C S H | J | O | A | P | |||
Dryden | M | - | M | R | P | M | O S I | C S H | J | A | P | R | |||
Etherege | M | A | M | RRR | VP | M | O S I P | C S I | J | O | A | P | |||
Frost | S | - | M | RR | N | M | O S I | C S | M | A | R | ||||
Gay | S | L | F | RR | V | L | O L | C S I | F | P | R | ||||
Goldsmith | S | - | F | R | V | M | O S I | C S | F | O | A | P | C | ||
Herbert | S | - | F | RR | V | M | O S I | C S I | F | O | A | P | C | ||
Herrick | M | A | M | RRR | N | H | O S I L | C S I | I | A | P | ||||
Jonson | M | - | F | RRR | V | M | O S I | C S I | I | A | P | ||||
Keats | M | - | M | R | N | M | O S | C S | M | A | P | C | |||
Landor | M | - | M | E | P | M | O | C S | M | A | P | C | |||
Marlowe | M | - | M | RR | F | M | O S I | C S I | I | A | P | ||||
Milton | S | - | F | RRR | N | L | O S | M C | F | A | P | R | |||
Nashe | M | - | J | RRR | V | H | O S I P | C S I | M | A | P | ||||
Pope | M | - | J | RRR | VP | H | O S I P | C S I H | I | A | P | ||||
Rossetti | S | - | F | RR | VP | H | O S I L | C S I | F | A | P | ||||
Shelley | M | - | J | RR | V | M | O S I L | 2C I | F | O | A | P | R | ||
Southey | M | C L | J | R | P | M | O S L | C S I | J | O | A | P | |||
Tennyson | M | A | M | RR | V | H | O S I P | C S I | M | A | P | ||||
Vaughan | S | - | F | RRR | V | L | O S | C S | F | A | R | ||||
Wordsworth | S | - | F | RRR | V | L | O S L | M C S | F | P | R |
Householders (Column 1): Married/cohabiting (M) or single (S).
Others in Household (Column 2): None (-), young child or children in household (C), adult child or children in household (A), lodger (L).
Gender of Respondent (Column 3): Male (M), female (F), interview jointly with both male and female (J).
Status (Column 4): Respondent has recently retired (R), has been retired for up to 3 years (RR), has been retired for more than 3 years (RRR), is of pensionable age but self-employed/quasi- retired (E).
Employment (Column 5): None (N), voluntary/unpaid (V), part-time paid work (P), none but partner works full time (F).
Relative Income Level (Column 6): Low (L), medium (M) and high (H). 'Low income' is no holidays and/or no car, 'medium income' is car and/or UK holidays perhaps with an occasional foreign trip, and 'high income' is car and/or regular foreign holidays.
Sources of Income (Column 7): Occupational pension(s) (O), state pension (S), personal pension (P), investments or savings (I) and rent from lodger (L).
Accounts (Column 8): Pays bills directly from cash (M), has a current bank account (C), has a savings account (S), has investments (I), has account(s) hypothecated for specific purposes such as medical bills (H).
Main Budgetary Decision Maker (Column 9): Male (M), female (F), joint (J), mainly individual decisions and separate accounts, but some joint decisions (I).
Type(s) of Budgeting (Column 10): One-Off Financial Assessment at Retirement: Getting house into shape, sorting out lifestyle (O). Account Tracking: Watching the state of bank accounts rather loosely, checking the statements retrospectively (A). Project Management: Letting money pile up and dealing with items from a "wish list" when feasible (P). Regularising Activities: Buying the same food each week, reducing uncertainty (R). Calculation: Going beyond account tracking to make explicit allocations for particular uses or working out a quantitative financial plan (C).
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