McGettigan (2001) 'Field Research for Boneheads: From
Naïveté to Insight on the Green Tortoise'
Sociological Research Online, vol. 6, no. 2,
To cite articles published in Sociological Research Online, please reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 2001/4/27 Accepted: 2001/10/10 Published: 2001/8/31
Photo 1: The Green Tortoise
Photo 2: An Interior Shot of the Tortoise
Photo 3: Desert Stopover
Photo 4: Big Bend Camp Site
Photo 5: Boquillas' Surroundings
...I sensed...that I could have my cake and eat it too. I could share in the excitement, the thrills of participating in events that seemed almost magnetic-and be spared the costs: the uncertainty of risk-taking (Thorne, 1979, p. 81).
If anyone had told me that I was about to "interfere" in a field situation and that I was thereby breaking a primary rule of scientific procedure, I think I would have laughed or, perhaps, told the admonisher to go to hell (Wax, 1971, p. 158).
Photo 6: Tidying Up
2Also see Neumann (1993) for an account of a trip he took in 1987.
3I decided that my opinion of Jake could not improve sufficiently to tolerate any kind of interaction with him. Instead I decided to ignore him. While this was a daunting project because of our restricted quarters, nevertheless, we were able to maintain an impressive distance for the remainder of the trip. Interestingly, as reprehensible as I consider Jake's behaviour, I found his presence instructive. Largely because of my abhorrence, I consciously-and not without annoying plagues of conscience-exercised double standards in relation to his behavior. Thus, I learned useful lessons about the value-based nature of my "objective," analytical mind.
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