Charles Geisler
and Essy Letsoalo (2000) 'Rethinking Land Reform in
South Africa: An Alternative Approach to Environmental
Justice '
Sociological Research Online, vol.
5, no. 2,
To cite articles published in Sociological Research Online, please reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 2/8/2000 Accepted: 30/8/2000 Published: 6/9/2000
Ranked | Countries | 1999 UNDP Poverty Index | Ranked | Countries | 1997 Percentage of Protected Land | |
1 | South-Africa | 0.6550 | 1 | Botswana | 18.50 | |
2 | Mauritius | 0.5930 | 2 | Tanzania | 15.60 | |
3 | Ghana | 0.5770 | 3 | Rwanda | 14.70 | |
4 | Nigeria | 0.5580 | 4 | Namibia | 12.90 | |
5 | Benin | 0.5360 | 5 | Malawi | 11.30 | |
6 | Eritrea | 0.5280 | 6 | Senegal | 11.30 | |
7 | Mozambique | 0.5210 | 7 | Burkina Faso | 10.40 | |
8 | Cote D'Ivoire | 0.5180 | 8 | Uganda | 9.60 | |
9 | Mali | 0.5090 | 9 | Chad | 9.10 | |
10 | Congo, Dem. Rep | 0.5050 | 10 | Zambia | 8.60 | |
11 | Chad | 0.4990 | 11 | Central African Rep | 8.20 | |
12 | Swaziland | 0.4960 | 12 | Togo | 7.90 | |
13 | Serra Leone | 0.4950 | 13 | Zimbabwe | 7.90 | |
14 | Eritrea | 0.4750 | 14 | Niger | 7.70 | |
15 | Niger | 0.4680 | 15 | Benin | 7.00 | |
16 | Marroco | 0.4610 | 16 | Angola | 6.60 | |
17 | Uganda | 0.4290 | 17 | Cote D'Ivoire | 6.20 | |
18 | Senegal | 0.4220 | 18 | Kenya | 6.20 | |
19 | Lesotho | 0.4060 | 19 | Mozambique | 6.10 | |
20 | Madagascar | 0.3940 | 20 | Mauritius | 6.00 | |
21 | Gabon | 0.3920 | 21 | Burundi | 5.60 | |
22 | Liberia | 0.3840 | 22 | Ethiopia | 5.50 | |
23 | Tunisia | 0.3840 | 23 | South Africa | 5.40 | |
24 | Gambia, The | 0.3820 | 24 | Eritrea | 5.00 | |
25 | Angola | 0.3810 | 25 | Ghana | 4.80 | |
26 | Guinea | 0.3680 | 26 | Camaroon | 4.50 | |
27 | Congo, Dem. Rep | 0.3620 | 27 | Congo, Dem.Rep | 4.50 | |
28 | Burkina Faso | 0.3300 | 28 | Congo, Rep | 4.50 | |
29 | Botswana | 0.3230 | 29 | Mali | 3.70 | |
30 | Togo | 0.2980 | 30 | Sudan | 3.60 | |
31 | Lybia | 0.2920 | 31 | Nigeria | 3.30 | |
32 | Argelia | 0.2880 | 32 | Gabon | 2.80 | |
33 | Rwanda | 0.2820 | 33 | Algeria | 2.50 | |
34 | Guinea-Bissau | 0.2760 | 34 | Gambia, The | 2.20 | |
35 | Mauritania | 0.2750 | 35 | Swaziland | 2.00 | |
36 | Somalia | 0.2500 | 36 | Madagascar | 1.90 | |
37 | Kenya | 0.2310 | 37 | Mauritania | 1.70 | |
38 | Egypt | 0.2300 | 38 | Liberia | 1.30 | |
39 | Tanzania | 0.1910 | 39 | Seierra Leone | 1.10 | |
40 | Burundi | 0.0000 | 40 | Egypt | 0.80 | |
41 | Camaron | 0.0000 | 41 | Guinea | 0.70 | |
42 | Central African Rep | 0.0000 | 42 | Marroco | 0.70 | |
43 | Equatirial Guinea | 0.0000 | 43 | Somalia | 0.30 | |
44 | Malawi | 0.0000 | 44 | Tunisia | 0.30 | |
45 | Namibia | 0.0000 | 45 | Lesotho | 0.20 | |
46 | Sudan | 0.0000 | 46 | Lybia | 0.10 | |
47 | Zambia | 0.0000 | 47 | Equatorial Guinea | 0.00 | |
48 | Zimbabwe | 0.0000 | 48 | Guinea-Bissau | 0.00 |
Sources: UNDP (1999: 147-150) WRI/UNDP/UNEP ( 1998: 244: 289; 298 )
2 The data shown in Table 1, derive from the amount of protected areas in IUCN Categories 1-V. For detail and justification, see Geisler and de Souza (2000).
3 Bantustans have ended but, in the absence of major land redistribution in South Africa, they remain the de facto residential clusters of Blacks who have not migrated to urban areas. Parks and game reserves on former bantustans are largely in tact.
4Within this variations are numerous problems and imperfections, such as cooptation by elites (Sobhan, 1994), cultural insensitivity (Hirtz, 1998), and inattention to the challenges of more comprehensive agrarian reform.
5Despite important difference in scope, substance, and purpose, land reform and agrarian reform will be hereafter used interchangably.
6 Lease and rental fees as compensation to owners has many desireable properties, including fairness (income, reserved rights, continuing equity). It is being tried in the first U.S. national park in the sourthern hemisphere (American Samoa) and is discussed at greater length in Ferrarro and Kramer (1997).
7 The Riemvasmaak base in the Northern Cape, though resolved as a restitution case, is a good example; the Maleoskot base in Mpumalanga Province is potentially another.
8What is "fair" is of course culturally defined and may or may not be the same as "equal."
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