Weber (2000) 'Germanness in One Country: Austria,
Joerg Haider and Nationalist Legacy'
Sociological Research Online, vol. 5, no. 1,
To cite articles published in Sociological Research Online, please reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 3/5/2000 Accepted: 24/5/2000 Published: 31/5/2000
'A 'nation' not only confirms itself by the running up of flags or by playing anthems - 'nation' is rather a feeling of agreement, which grows out of the awareness of being a community that shares a common fate.' (Bruckmueller and Urbanitsch 1996, VII)
'The German re-unification in the smallest version as it appears at the moment is a logical consequence of developments which began to emerge earlier. (...) It is in our interest not to make the other European nations nervous due to the unification movement which is just happening between the FRG and Central Germany but to understand it as a normal European process which does not cause a new Greater Germany but enables the re-unification of one people (...).' (Aula 9/1990, 11)
'The vast majority of Austrians belong to the German ethnic and cultural community. (...) Of course we want Austria to autonomously contribute to the future and development of the German nation. We are convinced that a declaration for its own people is a requirement for the preservation and progress of cultural values and the historic-cultural self-definition of each ethnic community, and also for us Austrians which belong to the German people.' (Bailer-Galanda 1995, 49)
'Family and the people are organically grown facts, which have to be considered in politics. The people as a natural community linked through descent and historical development, formed common language and culture and have common characteristics. (...) The majority of Austrians are part of the German ethnic and cultural community. These facts last although they are repressed due to a fatal chapter of German history in Austria.' (Bailer-Galanda 1995, 46)
'You know as well as I do that the Austrian nation has been a miscarriage, an ideological miscarriage. Being committed to one's people is one thing, being committed to a state another. After 1945 one tried to invent this Austrian nation to keep a certain distance from the past and by that executed a break with history which lasted for centuries. The fundamental question is what Austria contributed to universal German history.' (Bailer-Galanda 1995, 50)
'Our fatherland is only the great German fatherland. This earth on which we stand is German and has to stay German. We will remain loyal to our German brothers who have been fighting with us shoulder to shoulder in the World War. Heil Alldeutschland!' (Weber 1995, 123)
'We are carrying out a fearless fight against all enemies of the German people, against Marxism and Bolshevism, against Liberals and freemasons, against Judaism, but also against that International, which is trying to oppress the German people under the yoke of Rome.' (Zur Abwehr 1929, 9)
'In my opinion there was no link to politics. I never joined any political party. I joined a gymnastics club exclusively because I wanted to train my body. There were no political motives in gymnastics, even in the training sessions we just practised on the apparatus. Yes, we sang (some nationalist songs) at the beginning of the sessions, but these are not political motives.' (Radio Vorarlberg 1.6.1991)
'It is wrong if one characterises the term Germanness as political. If somebody is a German, he is a German. Because of this he is not member of a political party. He is just a German and that's all. I am an Austrian citizen of German language therefore I am German. I am not speaking English nor French, but German.' (Radio Vorarlberg 1.6.1991)
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