Copyright Sociological Research Online

Table 4: Numbers of old-university apppointments made in relation to numbers of recent higher degree graduates
YearsHigher degrees% womenYearsTotal, new appointments[3]% womenratio degrees/ appointments
'66-71[1] 98830'68-72 18021 5.49
'72-75 117039'72-76 18921 6.19
'76-80[2] 258734'76-81 1442117.97
'81-86 399656'81-87 534275.4
'87-91 179157'87-92[4] 1152315.57
'92-97 16341

[1] No data are available before 1966
[2] Data for 1978-9 are not available and so are not included. The missing 1980 figure for women's degrees has been estimated at 400, which continues the observed trend.
[3] 'New appointments' are here defined as posts actually held by individuals listed in the CUYB at the later date who were not listed at the earlier date. The number of appointments, thus, is not the same as the net addition to the total number of posts - which at the worst period was negative. It should also be borne in mind that if an individual both entered and left a job between the dates covered they will not appear in these figures.
[4] A high proportion of this cohort appear at senior ranks, which probably reflects movement from research into teaching posts, or to the universities from polytechnics or abroad, as part of the RAE transfer market.

This relates the numbers of higher degree graduates in Sociology at different periods, defined to allow for a slight lag between qualification and job, to the new academic jobs available for them at the periods covered by our CUYB data.
