Massimo Repetti (1999) 'Token Salaries and Social Answers in Work Relations in Africa'
Sociological Research Online, vol. 4, no. 2, <>
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Received: 29/01/99 Accepted: 29/04/99 Published: 30/6/99
2Commission des Affaires Financières et du Commerce, La place et le rôle du secteur informel dans l'économie nationale. Dakar, CES- Conseil Economique et Social. 1994
3Survey Ménages e dynamiques familiales. ORSTOM (Institut français de recherche scientifique pour le développement en coopération) is a French research institute for cooperation and development.
4Survey IFAN-ORSTOM 1991. L'insertion des migrants dans l'agglomèration dakaroise. Survey base of 472,281 men and women out of an estimated 1,310,000 population.
6IFAN (Institut Fondamental d'Afrique noire) is a Senegalese research institute.
7The National Census of 1988 indicated a population of 1,310,000 in Dakar. The Census of 1978 indicated a population of 1,065,000. Senegal Government 1988, Recensement Général de la Population et Habitat.
8Law no. 34/1984 "G.I.E." allows the constitution of "Economic Interest Groups" with a minimal capital and through simplified administrative procedures.
9From a survey by ORSTOM 1989.
10Two other developing countries in other continents show 22% in 1986 in Coimbatore (India) (Harris et al, 1990) and 35.6% in the urban areas of Brazil (Jatoba, 1989).
11Together with other measures, the Plan d'Ajustement Structurel wanted by the Senegalese Government in 1994, acting on the advice of the IMF, included a 50% devaluation of the currency, new price caps, cuts to public spending. These measures resulted in a decrease in the purchasing power of family units and in increased competition amongst companies.
12The Wolof ethnic group is the largest in Dakar (43 %).
13The Associations Villageoises pour le Développement (A.V.D.), ethnic associations organising people from a same village or region arose spontaneously out of the ethnic fragmentation of the city, and were recognised legally by law 1971/67.
14The lineage, fundamental element of elementary African family relations, is the group of descendents from a common known forefather.
15A dahira is the group of disciples (taalibes) of a marabout.
16A marabout is a Coranic spiritual guide.
17In Senegal, the wolof, al-Pulareen, Soninke and toucouleur ethnic groups have a caste -like social system. The term "caste" indicates a group of individuals having the same functions, distinguished on the basis of their professional specialisation, their hereditary caste and endogamy. The article refers to the castes of the lawbé, woodcutters, and t'gg, ironworkers.
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