McGettigan, T. (1998)
'Reflections in an Unblinking Eye: Negotiating Identity in the Production of a
Sociological Research Online, vol. 3, no. 1,
To cite articles published in Sociological Research Online, please reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 13/1/98 Accepted: 17/3/98 Published: 31/3/98
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I would like to say at the outset that we are not going to be invasive and if you do not want to participate, we will not force you. ... We hope that our filming of this trip will make it an experience above and beyond what you expected when you first signed up. (Excerpt from Debra's introductory letter)
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The cinema has absorbed everything - Indians, mesas, canyons, skies. And yet it is the most striking spectacle in the world. Should we prefer 'authentic' deserts and deep oases? For us moderns, and ultramoderns, as for Baudelaire, who knew that the secret of true modernity was to be found in artifice, the only natural spectacle that is really gripping is the one which offers both the most moving profundity and at the same time the total simulacrum of that profundity. (Baudrillard, 1988, pp. 69 - 70, emphasis in original).
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... I will admit that at first I thought, 'Wow, you know, I really would like them to get pictures of me, you know, climbing a mountain.' You know, the 'epic', forever me. Immortal on film. But then I realized, you know, that's basically the uh ... video version of making a face at a camera. (Interview transcription)
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2 Except for mine and my wife's, I have substituted pseudonyms for all personal names in this article.
3 Later, a male passenger, named Harvey, told me that on a previous Tortoise trip-an adventure during which he claimed to have consumed 'a twenty-four pack of beer a day for seven days straight' - he had heard about one Tortoise driver who did not allow drinking on his bus. He added jokingly, 'Wouldn't it be my bloody luck to end up on this bus!'
4 Tortoise buses have no onboard toilet facilities.
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