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Giulia Garofalo Geymonat
Giulia Garofalo Geymonat (MA, MSc, PhD, Marie Curie PostDoc) is a researcher in the field of gender, sexuality, work and disability. She has conducted extensive participant observations with sex workers' and sexual assistants’ groups in Europe. She is a part-time teacher and supervisor at Lund University Gender Studies, and is the author of Vendere e Comprare Sesso (Selling and Buying Sex) Il Mulino 2015, translated into Swedish (Daidalos 2016) and into French (IxE 2017). She was one of the founder of x:talkproject, an organiser of the ICRSE Conference in Brussels. She is a member of ProsPol COST Action.
Via delle sette volte 11
Email: giulia.garofalo@genus.lu.se
Please direct correspondence about this article to Giulia Garofalo Geymonat
P.G. Macioti (PhD) is a researcher and activist in the field of citizenship, migration, language and sex work. She was one of the founders of the x:talk project in London, and is co-convenor of ICRSE. She currently works for the sex workers' counselling centre Hydra e.V., in Berlin. P.G. regularly intervenes in critical academic and activist seminars and debates about sex work. She is a member of ProsPol COST Action since 2014.
Görlitzerstr 42
10997 Berlin
Email: pg.macioti@gmail.com