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Kirsteen Paton and Vickie Cooper

Kirsteen Paton

Kirsteen Paton is a lecturer in Sociology at the University of Leeds. Her book Gentrification: a working class perspective (Ashgate, 2015) explores the impacts of the Glasgow Harbour development on working-class neighbourhood Partick. This has galvanised an interest in class and housing. Her recent research explored regeneration and stigma in Glasgow’s East End in relation to the Commonwealth Games and her latest work explores evictions in relation to welfare reform and anti-eviction campaigns in the UK. Her forthcoming book (Routledge, 2017) explores class and everyday life in neoliberal Britain.

Sociology, SSB
University of Leeds
Ls2 9jt
United Kingdom

Email: k.paton@leeds.ac.uk
Web: http://www.sociology.leeds.ac.uk/people/staff/paton

Please direct correspondence about this article to Kirsteen Paton

Vickie Cooper

Vickie Cooper is a lecturer in Social Policy and Criminology at the Open University where she is also co-director of Harm and Evidence Research Collaborative (HERC). Vickie’s research focuses on homelessness in relation to: housing, hostels, the criminal justice system, community punishment and geographical displacement. Vickie has conducted several research projects for local authorities and NGOs looking at ex-offenders access to housing, as well as homeless people’s experiences of the criminal justice system. She has worked with NGOs including, the Howard League for Penal Reform, Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, Homeless Link, Shelter and St Mungo’s homeless charity.

Faculty of Social Sciences Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

Email: victoria.cooper1@open.ac.uk
Web: http://www.open.ac.uk/people/vc3644