Home > 21 (2), 8 > JD Carpentieri, Jane Elliott, Caroline Brett and Ian Deary
JD Carpentieri
JD Carpentieri is a Lecturer at the UCL Institute of Education, where he contributes to the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) and the Department for Education, Practice and Society. His main research interests include ageing, physical activity, literacy, cohort studies, mixed methods research and narrative analysis.
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Email: j.carpentieri@ioe.ac.uk
Please direct correspondence about this article to JD Carpentieri
Professor Jane Elliott took up the post of Economic & Social Research Council Chief Executive and Research Councils UK International Champion in October 2014. Before joining the ESRC Professor Elliott was Professor of Sociology at the Institute of Education, London, the Director of the Centre for Longitudinal Studies and the Director of the collaborative CLOSER (Cohorts and Longitudinal Studies Enhancement Resources) programme, both funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. Her main research interests include gender and employment, healthy ageing, longitudinal research methodology, combining qualitative and quantitative research and narrative.
United Kingdom
Email: j.elliott@ioe.ac.uk
Caroline Brett is a research associate based within the Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh’s Psychology department. She has worked for 10 years on studies associated with the Scottish Mental Surveys 1932 and 1947 and now co-ordinates and administers the 6-Day Sample study. She has just completed her professional doctorate in health psychology. Her research interests focus on the life-course determinants of subjective well-being in older adults.
United Kingdom
Email: caroline.brett@ed.ac.uk
Ian Deary is Professor of Differential Psychology at the University of Edinburgh, and Director of the MRC-BBSRC Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology. He directs the Lothian Birth Cohorts of 1921 and 1936, and the 6-Day Sample study. His research aims to discover causes of people’s differences in cognitive and brain ageing, and how cognitive ability in youth influences health and wellbeing across the life course.
United Kingdom
Email: iand@exseed.ed.ac.uk