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Adam Pattison Rathbone and Kimberly Jamie

Adam Pattison Rathbone

Adam graduated from the University of Sunderland in 2010 with a Master of Pharmacy degree. He successfully completed a 52-week placement with The South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust's James Cook University Hospital and after passing the General Pharmaceutical Council's registration assessment, registered as a pharmacist in 2011. Adam completing his clinical pharmacy training and started a PhD at the new School of Medicine, Pharmacy and Health at Durham University whilst continuing in his clinical role at The South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Queen's Campus
Durham University
TS17 6BH
United Kingdom

Email: a.p.rathbone@durham.ac.uk
Web: https://www.dur.ac.uk/school.health/staffmembers/staffprofile/?username=tpmj95

Please direct correspondence about this article to Adam Pattison Rathbone

Kimberly Jamie

Kimberly came to Durham in 2014 to take up a lectureship in Sociology in the School of Applied Social Sciences. Prior to taking up this appointment, Kimberly worked as a Research Fellow in the Science and Technology Studies Unit (SATSU) at the University of York, which is also where she completed her PhD sponsored by the ESRC and the Pharmacy Practice Research Trust. Kimberly’s research interests lie, broadly speaking, in the fields of health, medicine and professional practice, pharmacy and genetic medicine. Kimberly is fiercely passionate about non-academic public engagement.

32 Old Elvet
Durham University
United Kingdom

Email: kimberly.jamie@durham.ac.uk
Web: https://www.dur.ac.uk/sass/staff/profile/?id=12420