Home > 19 (3), 4 > Béla Janky, Boglarka Bakó, Péter Szilágyi and Adrienn Bognár
Béla Janky
Béla JANKY, Ph.D. (2003) has a degree in sociology and economics. His current research interest is in media driven ethnicization of welfare attitudes. He is the author of two books and about 80 scholarly papers about, among others, the Roma of Hungary, welfare attitudes and collective action theory. His journal articles in English appeared in Social Networks, Physica A and Economics Letters. He is an associate professor at the Dept. of Sociology and Communication of BME University, Budapest; and a senior research fellow at the Institute for Sociology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Institute for Sociology
Országház utca 30.
Email: belu72@gmail.com
Web: http://szociologia.tk.mta.hu/en/researcher/janky-bela
Please direct correspondence about this article to Béla Janky
Boglárka BAKÓ, Ph.D. (2009), is a cultural anthropologist. Her main interest has been in interethnic relations in rural communities in Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. She is currently working in a multi-ethnic village in Central Hungary. She is an assistant professor at the Dept. of Cultural Anthropology of ELTE University, Budapest.
Pázmány Péter sétány 1.
Email: a.bakoboglarka@gmail.com
Péter SZILÁGYI is a graduate student of visual anthropology at the University of Miskolc. He has completed, with his professors, several documentaries on rural communities in Central-Eastern Europe.
Institute of Cultural- and Visual Anthropology
Miskolc-Egyetemváros C/1.
Email: petirhun@gmail.com
Adrienn BOGNÁR (Ph.D. candidate) is a sociologist. Her doctoral research is about the youth political movements, with a particular interest in the far right. She is an experienced pollster and has participated in several projects addressing the political attitudes of teenagers. She is an assistant professor at the University of Pécs.
Dept. of Sociology
Zsolnay Vilmos u. 16., E25.
Email: bognar.adrienn@pte.hu