Duna Sabri

Duna Sabri

Duna Sabri is Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Public Policy, King’s College, London and an independent researcher. Since completing her D Phil at the University of Oxford’s Department of Educational Studies in 2007 on the assumptive worlds of academics and policy-makers, she has undertaken a range of commissioned institutional research projects. These address policy and practice issues that pertain to the role of higher education in society, for example on students' persistence in higher education, differential attainment, assessment practices, administrative reform and the social and political role of student evaluations of teaching. She is also interested in innovative communication and dissemination of institutional research, the use of mixed methods, and developing capacity for higher education research.

Centre for Public Policy Research
King's College
United Kingdom

Email: duna.sabri@kcl.ac.uk

Please direct correspondence about this article to Duna Sabri