Gayna Davey and Alison Fuller
Gayna Davey
Gayna Davey is an educational researcher and also a qualified and experienced HR professional. She has an MSc in Sociology (2005). She gained her PhD ('Defining the Middle Classes': Using Bourdieu's conceptual trilogy of habitus, capital and field') from the University of Southampton in 2010. Gayna also has an MA in Employment Relations and Law (2000) from the University of Leicester. She has experience of a variety of research methods including in-depth qualitative interviewing and secondary analysis of existing data sets. Gayna has been the researcher on funded projects with Alison Fuller including an EU Leonardo project 'Hybrid Qualifications: increasing the value of lifelong learning' (2009-2011). This project focused on qualifications in England that are designed to provide vocational preparation for the labour market and entry to higher education and included an examination of the government-supported Apprenticeship programme. The research involved four countries, Germany, the UK, Denmark and Austria. Gayna co-authored the project's two research reports (available at and a book chapter, 'Transcending the academic - vocational binary in England?: An exploration of the promise of 'hybrid qualifications' (in press) in an international collection being published by Peter Lang. In a project commissioned by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, Gayna co-authored the report 'Equality Groups and Apprenticeship', which is published at: 
SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom
Alison Fuller
Alison is Professor of Education and Work, and Director of Research in Southampton Education School, University of Southampton. She has been conducting funded research in the fields of education - work transitions; vocational education, training and apprenticeship; workplace learning; patterns of adult participation in education, and widening participation in HE - since the mid 1980s and has published widely. One of her recent books, Improving Working as Learning, co-authored with Alan Felstead, Lorna Unwin and Nick Jewson, was published by Routledge in 2009 and won a prize from the Society of Educational Studies in 2010. Alison is currently undertaking research for the Nuffield Foundation on Adult Apprenticeship. She is a member of the QAA advisory group reviewing the Access to Higher Education Diploma.
Southampton Education School
University of Southampton
Building 32
Southampton SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom