Ulla Björnberg
Ulla Björnberg
Ulla Björnberg is full professor at the department of sociology, Gothenburg University. Her research is about family, family policy/welfare, work and family, gender, intergenerational relationships and refugees and migration. Her primary interest has been to understand conditions for family life in relation to the role of changes in gender relations and social and economic changes in society. Currently she is directing interdisciplinary research on the welfare and well-being of asylum-seeking children and families. She is also involved in a European comparative study on workers with non standard work hours and with caring responsibilities for children and/or elderly parents. Recent publications Björnberg, U (2010) Socialt kapital, tillit och resilience hos asylsökande barn och föräldrar (Social capital, trust and resilience in asylum-seeking children and parents) in Andersson, H., Ascher, H. Björnberg,U., Eastmond, M. (Red.) Mellan det förflutna och framtiden. Asylsökande barns välfärd, hälsa och välbefinnande (In between the past and the future. Welfare. Health and Wellbeing of asylum seeking children) Gothenburg: CERGU Björnberg, U and Ekbrand, H (2008) 'Configuration of family commitments. Patterns of support within kin' in Widmer, E. Castrén A-M, Jallinoja, R, Ketokivi, K. Family Configurations. Bern, Berlin, New York: Peter Lang Björnberg, U and Ekbrand, H (2008) 'Intergenerational solidarity and social structures. Class, ethnicity and gender in public and private support patterns in Sweden' In Saracceno, Chiara (ed.) Families, Ageing and Social Policy: Generational Solidarity in European Welfare States. London: Edgar Elgar Björnberg, Ulla ( 2007) 'Paying for the costs of children in eight North-European countries: ambivalent trends' in Lewis, Jane (ed) Children, changing families and welfare states. London Edgar Elgar
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