Jan Macvarish

Jan Macvarish

Dr Jan Macvarish is Research Associate in the Centre for Health Services Studies at the University of Kent. Her interests lie in the sociology of interpersonal relationships, parenting, family life, sex and intimacy. Her doctoral thesis (2007), entitled The New Single Woman: Contextualising Individual Choice, explored the construction of contemporary singleness through qualitative interviewing with single, childless women and cultural analysis of the new 'culture of singleness'. Through her involvement in a study of teenage parents, she was able critically to explore the relationship between the lived experience of young parenthood and way in which parents and their children are constructed and related to through policy and cultural frameworks. She is particularly interested in questions of risk culture, de-moralisation and individualisation but is also concerned with policy developments.

University of kent
United Kingdom

Email: J.Macvarish@kent.ac.uk