Michael Rosie and Hugo Gorringe

Michael Rosie

Michael Rosie is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology and author of The Sectarian Myth in Scotland: Of Bitter Memory and Bigotry (Palgrave MacMillan, 2004), and several articles on national identities, media and protest policing.

University of Edinburgh
Adam Ferguson Building
Edinburgh EH8 9LL, UK
United Kingdom

Email: m.j.rosie@ed.ac.uk

Hugo Gorringe

Hugo Gorringe is a Sociology lecturer and author of Untouchable Citizens: The Dalit Panthers and Democratisation of Tamilnadu (Sage 2005) and several articles on violence, protest and policing.

University of Edinburgh
Adam Ferguson Building
Edinburgh EH8 9LL, UK
United Kingdom

Email: Hgorring@staffmail.ed.ac.uk