Volume 12, Issue 4, published 31/7/2007

Peer Reviewed Articles

Adulthood: the Contemporary Redefinition of a Social Category
by Harry Blatterer

Environmental Injustice or Just the Lie of the Land: an Investigation of the Socio-Economic Class of Those at Risk from Flooding in England and Wales
by Jane Fielding

Constructing Meaningful Lives: Biographical Methods in Research on Migrant Women
by Umut Erel

Gender Life Course Transitions from the Nuclear Family in England and Wales 1981-2001
by Lawrence Ware, Moira Maconachie, Malcolm Williams, Joan Chandler and Brian Dodgeon

Book Reviews

Studying Society by Evans, Karen and King, Dave
Reviewed by Slawomir Mandes

Religion, Identity and Politics in Northern Ireland: Boundaries of Belonging and Belief by Mitchell, Claire
Reviewed by Gladys Ganiel

Books received