Elisabetta Ruspini

Elisabetta Ruspini

Elisabetta Ruspini is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Milano-Bicocca. Her research interests include: the social construction of gender identities; changing femininities and masculinities; the gender dimension of poverty and social exclusion; new forms of parenthood; longitudinal research and analysis. Among her publications: (with Angela Dale, eds.) The Gender Dimension of Social Change. The Contribution of Dynamic Research to the Study of Women's Life Courses, The Policy Press, Bristol (2002); Introduction to Longitudinal Research, London, Routledge (2002); Le identità di genere (Gender Identities), Carocci, Rome (2003); (with Carmen Leccardi, eds.) A New Youth? Young People, Generations and Family Life, Aldershot, Ashgate (2005); Donne e uomini che cambiano. Relazioni di genere, identità sessuali e mutamento sociale (Changing Women, Changing Men. Gender Relations, Sexual Identities and Social Change), Milano, Guerini (2005) (edited).

Department of Sociology and Social Research
Faculty of Sociology
University of Milano-Bicocca
Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8, Edificio U7
20126 Milano
United Kingdom

Email: elisabetta.ruspini@unimib.it