The WASS Collective
WASS is the Warwick Anti-Sexism Society. The members of this particular research Collective and the joint authors of this paper are Amy Bell, Lucy Hawkins, Lorraine Kelleher, Cath Lambert, Jennifer Lexmond, Samantha Lyle, Astrid Nordin, Andrew Parker, Maud Perrier and Juliet Rayment.Amy Bell
Amy Bell is a postgraduate student in the Sociology department at the University of Warwick. She is, at time of writing, Publicity Officer for WASS, as well as an editor/contributor to the Warwick feminist zine The F Word. Her future plans include a PhD on the subversive potential/s of hyper-femininity.
United Kingdom
Lucy Hawkins
Lucy Hawkins is currently in the second year of her undergraduate history and politics degree at Warwick University. She is new to feminist activism, although has had a keen interest in the movement for a number of years.
United Kingdom
Lorraine Kelleher
Lorraine Kelleher is a 3rd year Sociology undergraduate at the University of Warwick. Her main interests focus on issues of gender and sexuality within all areas of society, but particularly on gender dynamics and women's sexuality. She is an active member of WASS and is currently working on a gender/feminist based 'zine for a student audience.
United Kingdom
Cath Lambert
Cath Lambert is lecturer in the Department of Sociology and the Reinvention Centre for Undergraduate Research at the University of Warwick, UK. Her teaching and research interests include the sociology of education, particularly in relation to gender and sexuality, and the development of critical methods for researching and writing.
Reinvention Centre for Undergraduate Research
Department of Sociology
University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
Jen Lexmond
Jen Lexmond is a 2nd year undergraduate studying PPE at the University of Warwick. She is currently serving as the Liason Officer in WASS. Her interests include alternative methods of protest and activism through art and music, and the relationship between ethics and politics.
United Kingdom
Samantha Lyle
Samantha Lyle is a postgraduate student in the Department of Sociology at the University of Warwick. Sam is currently in the second of year of her Masters in Social Research, studying part time allowed her to found and be the President of WASS, take up a variety of part time work which includes being a PA, giving application and CV advise to students, supervising inflatable equipment and making cappuccinos. Her main research interests lie in the social construction of hegemonic femininities, masculinities and middleclass-ness.
United Kingdom
Astrid Nordin
Astrid Nordin is an undergraduate student of Politics and International Studies in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick, UK, and a member of WASS. Besides research on gender and contemporary feminist strategies, she is currently doing research on China and Asian Regionalisation.
United Kingdom
Andrew Parker
Andrew Parker is senior lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Associate Fellow in the Centre for Educational Development Appraisal and Research (CEDAR) at the University of Warwick, UK. He is a former secondary school teacher and teacher-educator whose research interests include the sociology of education, gender studies and qualitative research methods.
United Kingdom
Maud Perrier
Maud Perrier is a doctoral student in the Sociology department and her thesis focuses on younger and older mothers' experiences of motherhood. She has a BA in English Studies from Nottingham and an MA in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies from Warwick. Her research interests are post-feminism and the media, motherhood/mothering , and feminist visual methodologies.
United Kingdom
Juliet Rayment
Juliet Rayment teaches in the Department of Sociology, University of Warwick and is a founder of The F-word zine. Her research interests include gender, professional identities and political action in midwifery and its links with wider feminist activism. She is a member of various organisations working to improve maternity care.
United Kingdom