Nigel Fielding and Maria Macintyre
Nigel Fielding
Nigel Fielding is Professor of Sociology and co-Director of the Institute of Social Research, at the University of Surrey. He is co-editor of the New Technologies for Social Research series (Sage). His research interests are in qualitative research methods, new technologies for social research, and criminal justice. He has authored or edited 19 books, 49 journal articles, 52 chapters in edited books and 145 other publications. In research methodology his books include a study of methodological integration/triangulation (Linking Data, 1986, Sage; with Jane Fielding), an influential book on qualitative software (Using computers in qualitative research, 1991, Sage; editor, with Ray Lee), a study of the role of computer technology in qualitative research (Computer Analysis and Qualitative Research, 1998, Sage, with Ray Lee) and a four volume set, Interviewing (2002, Sage; editor). He is presently researching the application of Grid/high performance computing applications to qualitative methods, and the secondary analysis of archival qualitative data, in which fields he is consultant to the US National Science Foundation, the UK Economic and Social Research Council, and the French, German and Swiss governments. Various of his works have been translated into French, Dutch, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.
Department of Sociology
University of Surrey
Surrey GU2 7XH
United Kingdom
Maria Macintyre
Maria Macintyre is a Research Fellow at the University of Surrey exploring the use of Access Grid Nodes for social research. Her research interests also include online qualitative research methods, user involvement and information communication technology use in health care.
Department of Sociology
University of Surrey
Surrey GU2 7XH
United Kingdom