Hugo Gorringe and Michael Rosie

Hugo Gorringe

Hugo Gorringe is a Sociology lecturer. His key interests include caste, social movements and political sociology. He is author of \'Untouchable Citizens: The Dalit Panthers and Democratisation of Tamilnadu\' (Sage 2005) and articles on violence and identity politics.

University of Edinburgh
Adam Ferguson Building
Edinburgh EH8 9LL, UK
United Kingdom


Michael Rosie

Michael Rosie is a Sociology Lecturer. His key interests include Scottish society and politics; religious and national identities, and the politics of prejudice and 'sectarianism'. He is author of \'The Sectarian Myth in Scotland: Of Bitter Memory and Bigotry\' (Palgrave MacMillan, 2004), and several articles on Scottish society and politics.

University of Edinburgh
Adam Ferguson Building
Edinburgh EH8 9LL, UK
United Kingdom
